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Sunchi's page

Closest Friends (if u r not on the list doesn't mean u arent's my friend)

Hey people, Thanks for visiting my site even though it sucks. I will try to fix it as much as possible and keep adding new stuff once i become really good at HTML. I would like to shout out my friends out there since i didn't put a lot of them in my friends list. What's up Maite, Rose*, Abby*, Mabo*, Jenny O.*, BJ*, Aneta*, Taysha*, Kasmira*, Samantha*, Naylea, Natasha, Silvia, Isabella, Nikki, Mary, Angie (my sis), Briana*, Kiana*, Anthony, Antonio*, Angel, Kim and Alex a.k.a AJ. I wish u all good luck as time goes by. Im gonna miss u all of. And, those of u that are in my class or in my grade(*) I know im gonna miss u a lot when we enter high school, but remember I won't forget u or the good times we had. Hopefully we'll keep in touch. Love SUNCHI ~1~

My Favorite Web Sites

BET music
My Online Journal
my page on AOL
yahoo mail, music and more
