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<~~~ You can click on our names to find out more about us!



FEB. 2003


Welcome to our brand new website!! This year one of our New Year’s Resolution’s is to keep in touch with everyone a little more, hence I decided to build this website.  I am absolutely horrible at writing letters and mailing them, so this way all I have to do is UPDATE!.

Well, how should we start?!  It is only the beginning of the year but it has proved to be quite exciting so far!  Each day brings us new surprises and learning experiences.  It seems that the action in our house never stops and if it suddenly becomes quiet we’ve learned to worry because there is probably a big mess lurking around the corner!! (LOL)

Things around our house are coming together as well.  After living in our home for the last 15 months or so, we have finally completed the Landscaping in our backyard.  After several tries at doing it ourselves (in an attempt to save money)  we opted to pay someone to do it….I know we are SLACKERS!  But the end results are beautiful and much better than we could have ever expected.  (I'll put some pictures up when I get the chance) The children are so happy to have a grassy backyard to play in, the dog has a nice area to run, and we are able to sit and watch our kids play with out the fear of them running into the street.  I don't know how we ever lived without a back yard!!!  We are still trying to finish up the sandbox, though.  Jeremiah has it framed in now all it needs is sand (which has proved to be quite expensive!)  Well anyways feel free to click around, enjoy our website, and make sure to keep in touch!




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