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26/08/03 I didn't update the zelda site at all today, you can expect the same kind of thing for the next week or two, until my Morrowind site is completed.


25/08/03 For the last few days I have been solely working on my Morrowind site, and today is much the same, except I have worked out a few minor bugs in the page. Some examples are; I put a title banner on evey page, I fixed some broken links, and I put a title on every page. I also added a link back to the main page.

23/08/03 Well, my site expansion project is running way ahead of schedule, so, here it is today. This site is currently being updated daily.

20/08/03 Yep, This Is My Zelda Site. It's not much to look at yet, but it'll get better with time. Plus I am planning on getting a domain name.

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