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Kayaking Tips

From West Coast Sea Kayaking Symposium 2005

weathercocking:   try edging the boat toward the wind.  While paddling it presents less bow to the water and there4 less water pressure from the lee side to push the bow into the wind.   Physics explains it, but yet I fail to understand and I haven't tried it yet.   Ken Fink promises that you won't beg for a skeg and you'll have almost no need for correcting sweep strokes

Skegs vs. rudders:  Ken says a certain marathon kayaker in Australia who has used both in long paddles steadfastly maintains that skegged boats slowed him down by hours relative to ruddered boats.

Static Greenland brace:   I learned to do this w/ my Greenland paddle, but will need practice to get better.

Make nose clips for rolling practice from 10 or 12 g copper wire and minicel foam.  from Jon Doornink.