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Hey whats up. all the moves are REAL dbz moves. It first says what your pl(POWER LEVEL) is to recieve that move. And yes you may shorten them cause some are very long word, but u have to make sure they know what move you are gonna do. This is just a temporary attack list until i can get a better one. Ill have it soon. later

Punch-1000 pl. Takes off 50 form your oppenents hp(hitting power). requirs no charge

Kick-1000 pl. Takes of 75 from your oppenents hp. Requires no charge.

Ki bolt-1000 pl. Takes off 100 from your oppenents hp. Requiers 1 charge.

Ki blast-1000 pl. Takes of 250 from your oppenents hp. Requires 2 charge.

flurry kick 2000pl. takes off 100 of ur uponents hp.

flurry punch 2000 pl.

Ki bomb- 2000 pl. Takes of 500 from your oppenents hp. Requires 2 charges.

Crasher Ball-3000 pl. The Crasher Ball is a ki-ball that is produced from the palm of the hand. It takes off 700 from your hp. It requiers 3 charges.

Dodonpa-5000 pl. A blast shot from one finger, which explodes upon impact. It takes off 1000 from your oppenents hp. This move requires 3 charges.

Kienzan-5000 pl. It is a flat, disc-shaped Ki blast, which can be used to slice through its target with deadly accuracy. It takes off 1,300 from your oppenents hp. This move takes 3 charges.

Kikoho-10,000pl You put the tips of your fingers of both hands together, forming kind of an "O" between his fingers and his thumbs. Then you shoot a very powerful Ki blast through the "O" at his opponent. It takes off 2,000 from your oppenents hp. This move takes 4 charges.

Double Tsuihikidan-13,000pl. It shoots a Kamehameha-like blast from each hand, and can be guided towards the enemy. It takes off 3,000 from your opponent hp. This move requires 4 charges.

Eye Beam- 15,00pl. It is basically a double ki blast shot from the eyes. It takes off 5,000 from your oppenent hp . This move requires 5 charges.

Hankokubikkurisho-18,000 It shoots a Ki blast forward using both hands and traps his victim in a shocking field of energy from which the opponent cannot escape. For victims to escape this move they must count down from 8 like ((::8:: next space ::7::, ::6:: etc.))Until you count down to zero you cant block fade etc. This move requires 5 charges.
Finishers hit 50% ur apponents hp