835 Non-denominational The Universal Path

The Universal Path

There are seven billion or so people in the world. Each of those individuals is somewhere on the universal path in search of meaning for their life. Independent investigation of truth requires that each of those people follow their own path in that search. What ever truth there is lies in the knowledge of the one single creator who has many names. ?
Unity in effort, diversity in method.

Site Directory
Baha'i is not a New Religion! ** Does God exist debate (Sept.2000) ** The Interpreter ** Why The Spirit of Truth? **
Status of Women ** What is the Mashrqul Adhkar? ** The Supreme Tribunal
The Local House of Justice ** The Will of Baha'u'llah
The Guardian's Representative ** House when not in session **
Forming a House of Justice ** Prophecying The Comforter ** The Nicolaitans explained**

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