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Internet Resources - Tolladay Ancestors

Moments in Time

Little drops of water, Little grains of sand, Make the mighty ocean, And the Promised Land
Thus the little minutes - Humble, though they be, - Make the mighty ages - of Eternity.

-- Fletcher

Contribute your resources. This page is a work in progress. As I receive new information, clues or sources, the page will change. Please check back often. You will notice as you read through the page - there are numerous variations on how our surname is spelled. To date I have found more than 4 dozen! All these due to the good intentioned census takers phonetic spelling and to some degree - illiteracy. They will appear in this page as they appeared on the document found. Approximate birthdates are based on records from the Daughters of the Revolution, NSDAR, Pensioners lists, and numerous historical archives. Also taken into account are their ages and the number of children they had in each known census.

Oral history from family members across the nation all seem to relate the same story. Two brothers came to America together - the only TOLLADAY's to come to America - that is until Gloria's branch of the family came to America in the mid 1800's. The Quest is to find them.

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