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Hiram Tolladay and Elizabeth Austin

Hiram Tolladay and Elizabeth Austin

Husband's Name Wife's Name
TALLADAY, Hiram AUSTIN, Elizabeth
Birth Date 25 Mar 1801 23 Sep 1803
Christened unknown unknown
Death Date 18 Dec 1873 19 Nov 1864
Burial Data Somerset, Niagra NY Somerset, Niagra NY
Marriage Date abt 1823 abt 1823
Father unknown unknown
Mother unknown unknown


Children-Surname-Given Birth--Date Birth Place


State Death Data Location Married To, Date, Place
F TALLADAY, Almira 23 July 23 1824 unknown unknown 09 Jan 1852 Somerset Cemetery Niagara,NY SHAFFORD, (FSU)
F TALLADAY, Mary Jane 18 March 18 1826 unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown
M TALLADAY/TALLDAY, Loel/Lael 30 May 30 1829 unknown unknown unknown unknown (LSU), Margret d. 8 Jun 1872
M TALLADAY, Loed 9 Jan 1832 unknown unknown 1914 Hartland Cemetary Niagara NY unknown
F TALLADAY, Sarah 7 Jan 1835 unknown unknown 09 Feb 1835 unknown unmarried
F TALLADAY, Jeptha 18 June 1836 unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown
F TALLADAY, Mina 30 Sept 1838 unknown unknown unknown unknown SEAMAN, Wilson 1838-1910
F TALLADAY, Emeline 28 Feb 1841 unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown
F TALLADAY, Louisa Janet 8 Jun 1844 unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown
F TALLADAY, Hiram Leander 24 Feb 1848 unknown unknown 18 Dec 1920 Somerset Cemetery, Niagara NY (LSU) Elizabeth

Source: Patricia Charache descendant of Mina TALLADAY and Wilson SEAMAN
Hiram Talladay was born in the year of our Lord March 25th 1801.
Elizabeth Austin,his wife was born September 23rd in the year of our Lord 1803.
Almira Talladay was born July23rd in the year of our Lord 1824.
Mary Jane Talladay was born March 18th in the year of our Lord 1826.
Loel Talladay was born May30th in the year of our Lord 1829.
Loed Talladay was born January 9th in the year of our Lord 1832.
Sarah Talladay was born January 7th in the year of our Lord 1835.
Jeptha Talladay was born June 18th in the year of our Lord 1836.
Mina Talladay was born September 30th in the year of our Lord 1838.
Emeline Talladay was born February 28th in the year of our Lord 1841.
Louisa Janet Talladay was born June 8th in the year of our Lord 1844.
Hiram Leander Talladay was born February 24th in the year of our Lord 1848.
Hiram Talladay died the 18th December aged 72 years 8 months & 23 days.
Elizabeh,the wife of Hiram Talladay, died November 19th 1864. aged 61 years 1 month,24 days.
Almira Shafford, died 9th 1852 aged 27 years,6 months & 17 days.
Sarah Talladay died February 9th 1835 aged 1month & two days
Margret, the wife of Lael Talladay died June 8th in the year of our Lord 1872.

This is the information from the book as it pertains to the Talladay's.There is one Disscrepensy I have found In Elizabeth thombstone states she died in 1861? I'm not sure which is correct. Hiram Talladay and Elizabeth are buried in Somerset Cemetary in the town of Somerset,Niagara,NY there stone has fahter and mother on it. Next to them is a William Talladay Died Oct. 11 1865 age 53 years 4 Mo. Susannah E. wife of William Talladay Died Oct. 15,1855 age 45 years 9 mo.

In Hartland Cemetary in Niagara Co. NY are where some of the children are buried in a plot sold to a L. Talladay 8 plots.:
1) Francis B. Tallardy 1895-1953
2) Lloyd Talladay 1903-1913
3) William H. Tallardy 1869-1947
4) Vietta L. Tallardy 1869-1956
5) Loed 1832-1914
6) Lucy 1840-1918
7) Edna M. Riley 1889-1951

I am the granddaughter of Hazel A. Hartwick
Peter King 1870-1939 Hazel A (King).Hartwick- 1910-2000 Grace Seaman 1881-1951
Grace (Seaman)King parents were Wilson Seaman 1838-1910 & Mina A. Talladay 1839-1923
Mina was the daughter of Hiram.

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