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Jake's Ghost Experience

Somewhere in Reno, Nevada, Jake was working the janitorial night shift in a building that's basement used to be a prison. In this prison, people were murdered. Every time Jake would go in there he'd feel safe, but anywhere else in the building, he felt a presence. One night he was cleaning the bathroom and while in one of the stalls, he heard a woman's voice wisper "Jacob" So Jake walked out thinking, "what the hell!?" Now during the night shift, he was the only one in the entire building. Knowing that, he still thought somebody was playing a pratical joke or something. Somebody had to, there was nobody else in the whole building and the doors were locked and he had the keys! That, in a sence, wasn't true. He went back into the stall and commenced cleaning. A few minutes later, he heard the same voice say the word "Jacob" He walked out and said "Who's there?" Who wouldn't! Then right in front of him, he heard a man's voice say "Let's go" Now Jake, probably with his pants a little damp, started running out of the bathroom and down into the old prison cell and stayed there for a while. He later quit that job and has never gone back to that building since then.
