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The ghost in the old courthouse

Don works on computers for a living. He once got a job working on the computer for an old courthouse in Reno, Nevada. This courthouse was said to have hanged a man sometime in the late 1800's. As he was working, people came in and out all day. This courthouse gave tours all day. When Don was putting something in a closet, he looked into a crowd of people and there was a man staring right at him. This scared him a little bit, but he went back to work anyway. A while later he was somewhere else in the building and saw the same man staring directly at him. This happened a few more times and all day, no matter where he was in the building, when ever he looked out into the crowd, he'd see that same man staring at him. Near the end of the day, Don picked up an old log of people who were tried at this courthouse, and there was a picture of this man. The picture said that he'd been hung in the late 1800's. He has never been back there since then.
