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The Ghost In My Aunt's House

My aunt's old house is located in Reno, Nevada. She told me a story that I found rather frightening. What if you lived in a real haunted house. The story behind the house starts when the previous owners died in the house. In the same house she used to live in. This gave me chills, but what you're about to read was what made me put this story on here. Sometimes she would hear footsteps walking up and down the hallway. Then my uncle, who is the size of a pro football defensive lineman would charge out to the hall and there would be no one there. People say dogs can feel spirits. Some say that's a bunch of crap. I say that's true. My aunt would too. She would sometimes take care of her son's dog and she would let him sleep in her room at night. Every time she would hear the fotsteps, Baron(the dog) would start growling like there was an intruder in the house, but there was no one else in the house.
