Too Many Shareware Links

Kein Mitleid Für MicroSoft
Shareware, Freeware, Demoware & Abandonware Download Sites
Free Webspace & E-Mail Providers
Routing & Forwarding Services
Clip Art, Counters, and Website Gee-Gaws

Let's face it. Everyone loves things that are either free or cheap.
Especially when it's something we can actually use.
Below are links that I have found for websites that offer freeware or shareware,
or feature links to sites that do so,
as well as other items/services for websites.

Clip Art

Acme Laboratories (The ones who made the "labelmaker" text above.)
Clip Art Connection
Clip Art: On the Net
Malathar's Dragons (Adorable dragon-themed clip art, some of which I've used on this website)
Web Clip Art (List maintained by Millikin University)

Web Browsers
There are a number of web-browsers available.
Some that can be downloaded for free.
Yes, besides the usual:
Microsoft Internet Explorer Netscape Nagavator
There are also (among others):
Java Arachne Mosaic NEOPLANET NOW! OmniWeb Opera! The browser that was made for you!
Terrapin FTP Browser Off By One Amaya Try Cyberdog Lynx well as the broswers reviewed on Adrian Roselli's Evolt website.
Programmers Of The World, Evolt!

However, you may have to pay a registration fee for any on-line assistance, or to download upgrades.
Please read all information concerning the browsers before you choose to download and install them,
because not all browsers are designed for all computers or operating systems.
For detailed information on various web-browsers, try CNet's browser download list.
(KMFMS also has extensive information on non-Microsoft utilities and operating systems.)
You can also visit the Campaign for a Non-Browser Specific WWW (also known as the "Anybrowser Campaign") for information on constructing a website that can be read with any web browser.

Campaign for a Non-Browser Specific WWW

Since you're here, stop by at...
The Free Webpage Provider Review
Free Webpage Provider Review
...for links to free e-mail, webspace providers, guestbooks, counters, banner and button exchanges, forwarding services, website URL routers, virtual domains, re-mailers, and other services.

Just in case you're wondering about the terms...

Commercial software that is no longer being sold retail,
but has been released as "freeware" or "shareware" on the internet.
("...I could'a been a contendah...")

Software that is still in the experimental stages,
usually distributed directly by the program's developers.

"Free sample" versions of commercial software,
often with time limits, missing elements, or calendar sensitive "shut downs"
(i.e.: the software will not function after thirty days from the download),
distrubuted free of charge as an incentive to buy the full commercial release.
(That's how Doom became such a big hit!)

Software that is distributed free of charge,
often for the general interest, or (more than likely)
for the program developer's self-promotion.

Copyrighted software that is distributed free of charge
with the intention that a registration fee will be sent to the designer(s)
for notices when upgrades are available.
Some programs have features that are disabled until a password is entered,
which is available from the developer when the registration fee is paid.

...and please...

If you like, or use, a particular program that you've downloaded,
do yourself, the developer(s), and everyone else a very big favor.
Open your wallet and pay the registration fee!!!
It is through the support of the independant developers that shareware is made possible.

--- All sites & links active as of 14 August 2002 ---

Yes, I spent a whole 90 minutes checking to see if all these links still worked!

A1 Shareware Evaluations (aka Shareware Junkies)
Bare Bones Software
Clicked Shareware Gallery
Cottonwood Software
Dave Central
Download.Com (Collection maintained by CNet)
Free Software (List maintained by Smith Family Enterprizes)
Free Software Store
Gaming Depot (Abandonware archive: All games)
Happy Puppy (Game collections and demos only)
Home of the Underdogs (Abandonware archive: Mostly games)
Hoxie High School, Hoxie, Kansas, USA
Jumbo! The Download Network
Kitty-Kat Software
Lacroix's Download Links
Lots of Shareware
MFC Professional
Mitec Freeware & Shareware
Myriad Software
Pass The Shareware
RD's Freeware Place (Formerly Freeware Plus)
Screens and Themes
Shareware & Freeware from Corey Deitz
Silicon Alley
Tiny Apps (PC software. Nothing larger 1.44mb.)
TUCOWS (The Ultimate Collection of Winsock Software)
TUDOGS (The Ultimate Directory of Gratis Software) (Free subscription required)
TOUL The Ultimate Oldgames Linkspage (Abandonware links)
Underdogs (See Home of the Underdogs)
Washington University FTP Archive
UTC Shareware Distribution
ZDnet Software Library (Collection maintained by Ziff-Davis)

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