Lincoln-Kennedy Coincidences

There are a number of coincidences between the lives and deaths of Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy.
I'm not implying that there is some strange connection between the two,
I just find these to be morbidly facinating.

Both men were considered long-shots for the Presidency.
- Lincoln was running as a minor party candidate.
- Kennedy was a Roman Catholic, and nearly all Presidents before him were Protestant.

Each were elected Senator 100 years apart (Lincoln in 1846, Kennedy in 1946).

Each were elected President 100 years apart (Lincoln in 1860, Kennedy in 1960).

Both of their wives were accused of being spendthrifts, and each lost a pregnancy while their husband was President.

Both men were elected to the Presidency during a period of history where the country was divided over an unpopular war.
(While John F. Kennedy DID have a secretary with the last name of "Lincoln", as far as I know, Abraham Lincoln did NOT have a secretary with the last name of "Kennedy".)

Both spoke of premonitions of their deaths.

Both were personally involved in the civil rights of African-Americans.

Both were shot from behind, in the head, in public, on a Friday, while seated next to their wives.

Lincoln was shot in Ford's Theatre.
Kennedy was shot while riding a Lincoln convertable, manufactured by the Ford Motor Company.

Both men's assassinations have been mired in conspiracy theories.

Both alleged assassins were Southerners, known by three word names, were fatally shot before they could stand trial and held extremist political views.
- John Wilkes Booth, Lincoln's alleged assassin, was a supporter of the Confederacy.
- Lee Harvey Oswald, Kennedy's alleged assassin, was a self-professed Communist.
(Contrary to popular belief, they were not born 100 years apart. Booth was born in 1839, but Oswald was born in 1938.)

Booth shot Lincoln in a theatre and fled to a storehouse (a farmer's barn).
Oswald shot Kennedy from a storehouse (a schoolbook depository) and fled to a theatre.

Both Presidents were succeeded by men named "Johnson" who were Southern Democrats, former Senators, and born 100 years apart.
- Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was born in 1808.
- Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908.

They both faced the next election against a man whose last name began with the letter "G" (Andrew Johnson against Ulysses S. Grant and Lyndon Johnson against Barry Goldwater).

Both Johnsons died 10 years after being sworn into the Presidency.

"Lincoln" and "Kennedy" each have 7 letters.
"Andrew Johnson" and "Lyndon Johnson" each have 13 letters.
"John Wilkes Booth" and "Lee Harvey Oswald" each have 15 letters.

...and here's the kicker...

The motion picture "The Tall Target", released in 1951, details a fictional attempt to assassinate Abraham Lincoln before he can be sworn in as President. The plot is foiled by a New York City detective played by Dick Powell.

The name of the fictional detective who saves Abraham Lincoln's life is "John Kennedy".