Memories of Giant Glory

NY Giants Helmet

This short fable is the work of my mother, Phyllis G. Scharff,
who, like me, remembers when the Giants lived up to their name!

Once upon a time, a long time ago, there lived a band of mighty warriors called Giants.

The most powerful was a large brown man called L.T. The Giants were led by a handsome golden Prince named Phil who was clever and fleet of foot; and also by a wise old Wizard named Bill.

The land of the Giants was called The Stadium. In this land dwelled a powerful sprit of the air, whom they called The Hawk.

From a land far, far away, there came another band of fierce men to do battle with the Giants in The Stadium. A mighty struggle ensued. The people cheered and called upon the Hawk for aid.

The Hawk listened, and the golden prince, the great L.T., and the Giants were victorious.

This happened a long, long time ago.

The golden Prince no longer leads the Giants. The great L.T. has grown older and is heard of no more. The wise and skillful Wizard named Bill has moved to other lands.

The Hawk remains in the Stadium, but it is no longer free to roar and storm. The people remember what used to be and is no more. But still, they hope that the Glory that once was, will return someday to the Land of the Giants.

Copyright © Phyllis G. Scharff 2000 All Rights Reserved

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