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  • .: Stinky Stuff :.
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  • Webloser says

  • .: Quick news :.
  • We're very, very, very sick people.

  • .: Site Poll :.
    Does this site stink ?
    You betcha !!!
    Don't think so...
    I dunno...

    Current results

    .:  :.

    .: Site news :.
    Wow. So you guys still come here...
    Woohoo. Kuk Foong here. I didn't really know people still visit this site until recently. Guess having a link at really pays off. Hehe.

    Just in case if you guys were wondering, we're all doing great. Most of us have already started college and form 6. Oh, and Soon Tat's on his way to be a police inspector. Yea you read right, police inspector. Can't wait to see that. Hah. *Rolls on the floor and laughs out real loud*

    I won't be updating this site anymore but it'll still be here till God knows when. Just for the memories and the heck of it. So yeah. Love you all and thanks for dropping by. God bless.

    Sunday, 12 May, 2002 / 11.06pm

    .: About the site :.
    For those of you who have never been to this site before, Welcome and thanks for visiting.

    Basically, this site was created for us to keep in touch and bring back all the sweet memories of secondary school life, well, after secondary school.

    Here, you'll get to read some short profiles about us, contact us, check out some of our photos from various occasions and lots more.We would also really appreciate it if you took little time off to vote in our site poll, just to your right. --->

    So while you're here, feel free to take a look around and we all hope that you'll enjoy your visit. Thanks.

    .: The Gang :.

    Here we are at the Bon Odori dance festival on the 14th of July, 2001. To view a bigger version of this photo, click here.

    Site created on 14th April,2001 / Last updated on 12th May,2002
    Site optimized for IE5 with 800 X 600 screen resolution. All graphics and text in this site are copyright © of their respective owners.
    This Site Stinks...Version 0.2 © The MBS Gang 2001 - Who knows ?