My Fifteen Megs of Fame

Updated On March 5,2001

Hello all! I know I haven't been updating like I should but I'm a busy woman!! Sheesh stop nagging already! So for anyone who actually cares I'll update you on all the stuff that has been happening if my life. I'm going out with a great guy named Troy. We have been together since Oct. I'm actually happy!!! Wow I know that was a surprise but I didn't expect you to faint hold on I'll get the smelling salts. I moved(I'm still in town just a differant location). I am working in child care again. Taking care of a little girl named Karlee(15months). Basically I've been me only in fast forward! Scary huh?!? Ok you didn't have to agree quite that fast!!! Anyway about the site...I'm in the middle of trying to get my pictures organized(yes still!I know I know stop nagging).My friends pics page is down at the moment but, it will be up again soon. By the way I have had over 200 visitors to this site and only a few people have signed my book.(thank you guys you know who you are)I like to pretend that I actually have friends out there so please (I'm now officially begging)please, please, sign it. Let me pretend that I have more than four or five friends that are interested in my site!!As always all questions and comments are welcome. E-mail me at ** with both and I promise to get back to you as soon as I can.

Well I suppose I should Say something about myself huh? Lets see....

Last time I checked I was a girl so that narrows down the physical part alittle. I came to Las Vegas about two months after my 21st birthday and next month I will have been here for two years(yes that makes me 23 now wow your smart). I have some really great friends I won't name them all because they know who they are. Other than that my life is in a constant state of flux.

I am a member of ECS (Empire of Chivalry and Steel)a Rennie club here in town.Every Wed. and Sat. you can find me cheering on our fighters and working on my latest arts entry. Our Crown War is about three weeks away so I have quite a few projects that I am working on. I'm also in the process of making garb for five diferent people. Ugh! I didn't realize how busy I've been lately.

Other than my few weekly events I'm pretty much a home body. I read alot,watch movies, and listen to music. Spending time with my significant other. Hi Hun! **hugs**

Pretty basic but hey that's me. Just your average everyday "Las Vegas Freak". Yes I'm a freak and I'll say it proudly. I came here out of choice and I love this town(pretty scary huh?)!!!

Well I hope you like the links I set up I'll have more soon. Until then go to Jodie's site she has a really great links group.Have fun and keep both hands on the keyboard. -Nikki

Click here for Stuff About Me

Click here for My Poetry

Click here for My Pictures

Click here for Fun Stuff to Read

Click here to take The Pure Dyke Test

Click here for My Fav Books & Author

Click here for my Packers Page

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Things To Remember

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