Original Photos '99
(May 14th - May 20th)

The first 18 pics on the page are from what I'd call my "Red Phase" (the pics I got back from the chemist's have a slightly reddish tint to them). Cycling home from a friend's house late on Friday evening near Camden Road train station, I noticed a tanned and attractive young woman with her dark, curly hair pleated and braided wearing some Birkenstock-styled mules with extra chunky soles that complimented her minimal black, ankle-length skirt. She told me that they were from Shelly's and had cost her around £30. Here's the pics I got below.




The next three were taken in the wee hours of Saturday morning. Walking past the Rocket on Holloway Road, I spotted a blonde-haired girl in a figure-hugging dress next to a cashpoint outside the venue. She had on strappy heeled sandals, and was more than happy to pose for me when I asked her to.




Later on in the day, as I was coming home from work, I saw a lady outside the NatWest on Upper Street wearing Japanese getas with the footbeds lined with katana. She was in a hurry as her car parked nearby was on a yellow line, but I very quickly got these.




These next three I got on Tollington Park. I actually took pics of this lady wearing different sandals nearly a year ago (that time, she had on aztec-patterned Reefs. Typing speed permitting, you'll get to see them in a future update of my '98 pics section). This time around, she had on scholl-esque sandals with a cobblestone footbed. Here's what I took.




These three were taken a few days later while on my way to work. I noticed a slightly chubby lady sticking European election flyers into the letterboxes of houses on a side street as I passed by. She had on some Birkenstocks (always a favourite on this site), and chuckled as I made my request to her. When I was looking at the pics in a pub called the Royal Exchange a couple of days later, a slightly tipsy (drunk), but posh speaking lady looking over my shoulder remarked to me that she "must be from Hampstead to wear shoes like that". She asked me if she had on a wooly jumper, to which I replied yes. "I thought so", she said sniffily. "One can always tell these sorts of things, y'know".




These were taken after work off Tufnell Park Road. The lady in question was walking her dog (a shaggy Afghan) and wore classic "cleaning lady" scholls. She was very taken aback by my request, so I only got the two below.



These three were taken on Hornsey Road and are of a lovely Italian lady I stopped wearing some chunky Skechers. It was starting to rain a little, so I had to snap fast. Here's what I got.




The following afternoon, I found myself down on Fortess Road, near The Forum on Kentish Town, when I saw a lady on her bike wearing some interesting sandals that matched her check trousers. I called out to her and she stopped. It turned out that she got them while on holiday in Indonesia some time aback, while the toering and ankle chain were bought in India.  Here's what I got below.




These three I took on the offy-cum-supermarket on the Kentish Town Road. The lady in question giggled as I took the pics (she hadn't painted her nails lately and was a little embarrassed!), and on top of that, a bloke I know tapped on the shoulder and asked what was I doing. I told him and we talked for a while before heading our separate ways. Here's the pics to peek at.




I took these deep inside Hampstead Heath. The lady in the pics was a real "earth mother", pushing a pram while wearing an ethnic skirt, bangles on her wrists, long brown wavy hair and of course, blue-black velvet flip-flops with an ankle chain and toering on her mildly chubby feet. She laughed when I made my request (don't they always!), but let me snap away all the same. I had to put up with a local wideboy calling out to me to photograph his trainers (overpriced and tacky, that's all you need to know about them), but I told him they weren't what I was after, and he left in a huff.




I'd hardly said thanks and goodbye to her when I spotted another lady just up ahead wearing hiking sandals. She was definitely of a backpacking disposition, because her legs were seriously hairy! She got her sandals while on holiday in Canada, and found them comfortable to wear. Check 'em out (plus her hairy legs!).




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