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Area 51
Photo Page


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Area 51 Security Holding outpost at the area 51 border sitting on a ridge overlooking public lands.
The "BLACK MAILBOX" in the middle of nowhere along side of the highway which leads into Area 51.
Sign along side of Nevada's famed "Extraterrestrial Highway" advertising the Little A'LE'INN.
The small Nevada town of Rachel, just outside of Area 51.  Rachel is where you can find and buy all kinds of Alien souviniers.
The Little A'LE'INN in Rachel Nevada along side of the "Extraterrestrial Highway".  Food, Spirits, and fun, along with stories about the weird happenings at the nearby Area51.
Two of the many, many, signs encountered when you proceed on into government land and head toward Area 51.  Photography is Prohibited 
One of the many signs (close up), encountered on the way to Area 51.  It clearly states that Photography is Prohibited.
The Art Bell show experienced a sattelite loss during an Area 51 Call from a former Area 51 employee.
Art Bell trying to contact the Networks to find out what happened to the Area 51 former employee call.  Below are the Real Audio clips from the Call and the Show.

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Real Audio Sound Clips of an Art Bell Show Area 51 Caller


    On September 11, 1997 while Art had planned an exciting evening of taking calls from Area 51 employees, little did he know that the cosmos had more instore that night. Midway through the program, during a pretty interesting call, the radio program abruptly went off the air. First it was thought that the content of the callers message, may have caused some powers that be, to pull the plug! But as you are soon to find out, it was the GE Americom satellite going out of "Earth Lock."

    These clips are from the C-Band Satellite feed. Since that feed itself is fed from the KU band feed from the network, you will hear the network  feed at the bottom of the hour start failing, then later into the program, Art's signal drops out. Art Bell, along with Keith Roland and Broadcast (DOT) com present the entire episode here in a Real-Audio.  The bottom of the page is a printed transcript of the call and a chronology of events.

We pick up the network feed at the bottom of the hour approx at 12:30 PDT. This Real Audio clip runs 30 minutes. 

 At this point, Art and the network are telephone land-line linked to each other and the network is LL linked to the digital uplink satellite. So all the affiliates are receiving the program fine (through the digital system), however the KU to C-Band feed is still choppy and so my personal signal and the signal that AudioNet receives is still intermittent. Here is a sound clip of that portion of the program.
After the top of the hour break, Art gets Toni Howell from the network on the air to explain what has happened. By now the "event" is over and all signals are back to normal. Art's radio network engineer reports that the network's communication satellite lost 50 channels (including Art's feed) at that moment, possibly due to a "lost earth sensor" (so it no longer pointed to the earth station). Toni explains the phone call she had withGE Americom in this RA clip.

Remember, even though they thought the network signal was working, (as it was for the digital feed to the affiliates), the KU signal from New Jersey to Denver, which feeds the C-Band signal, was having signal problems along with Art. It is interesting to note, that each signal dropped out at different times. While Art's signal was OK, the network was not, and while the network was working, Art's signal alone dropped out. So it took awhile to figure out what had happened. Different channels on the satellite dropped out at different times.
Later in the program, a new caller asked: "What happened during that one minute of the Area 51 employee call, that we didn't get to hear?" Art just happened to have a witness in the studio that night. A reporter from Penthouse Magazine was there doing a story on Art. So when asked, Art puts the reporter on the headset and has him answer a few questions about the call. Here is that segment.

Transcript and Sequence of Events

Art Bell:    .
On my Area 51 line, you're on the air, hello.
Male caller:    .
Hello, Art?
Art Bell:  .
Caller [sounds frightened]:   .
I don't have a whole lot of time. 
Art Bell: .
Well, look, let's begin by finding out if you're using this line    properly or not. 
Caller: .
OK, in Area 51? 
Art Bell: .
Yes. Are you an employee or are you now?
Caller: .
I'm a former employee. I, I was let go on a medical discharge about a week ago and, and... [chokes] I kind of been running across the country. Damn, I don't know where to start, they're, they're gonna, they'll triangulate on this position really soon.
Art Bell: .
So you can't spend a lot of time on the phone, so give us something quick.
[voice breaking up with apparent suppressed crying]
 OK, um, um, OK, what we're thinking of as aliens, Art, they're extradimensional beings, that, an earlier precursor of the space program they made contact with. They are not what they claim to be. They've infiltrated a lot of aspects of, of, of the military establishment, particularly the Area 51.The disasters that are coming, they, the military, I'm sorry, the government knows about them. And there's a lot of safe areas in this world that they could begin moving the population to now, Art.
Art Bell: .
So they're not doing, not doing anything.
Caller: .
They are not. They want those major population centers wiped out so that the few that are left will be more easily controllable...." 
Art Bell: .
Caller:  .
I say we g .... 
Special Thanks to
Art Bell,, Keith Roland, and Coast to Coast AM.

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