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another Ancient Anguish page

3 reasons for people to play AA

links to characters of mine


I could tell you of the man hours spent on each character and all the bs you can put up with on Ancient Anguish. I can tell you of the horrors of being married to a person who only gets on the game to get married and then disappears off the face of the Earth. I could tell you of the horrors of meeting a seemingly nonthreatening guy who becomes psychotic and steals characters. But I won't. Don't you feel better now? come again, have a nice day...*evil grins*

Actually AA is a pretty kickin' place for bored and aggravated people. You might notice this if you listen to the shouts.. I enjoy it on occasion and have met a few friends there. With help of a friend, my sister is finally on the game but she seems to never get off now! :) just teasing you Michele.. ok ok I'll let you figure the game on your own-more fun that way *snicker* laters!