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LV Rose Society Logo

Adopted 1969, Revised 1992

Article I: Name

The name of the organization shall be the Las Vegas Valley Rose Society, affiliate member of The American Rose Society (ARS).

Article II: Objective

The objective of the society is to educate, foster and encourage rose culture in every practical way; and learn how to exhibit roses to every possible advantage.

Article III: Membership

Section 1

Membership shall consist of persons that are interested in the purposes of the Society and shall consist of Active, Associate, Life and Honorary members.

Section 2

Active members are those who have paid current dues in National and Local Rose Societies. Associate members are spouses of active members who have paid current local dues. Life members are those who shall be members for a life time, either by payment of life membership dues or by a vote of the Executive Board (Honorary member).

Section 3

The Executive Board will recommend an assessment of annual dues to be approved by a majority of the general membership at a regularly scheduled meeting. Dues are payable in January of each year.

Life membership fee is $150.00.

American Rose Society (ARS) dues are set by ARS and are due and payable annually, directly to ARS by each member.

Section 4

Active, Associate and Life members are entitled to vote and hold elected office.

Article IV: Officers

Section 1: Election

A President, First Vice President, Second Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, and Treasurer shall be elected by the members of the Society. These officers plus the immediate past president shall constitute the Executive Board. Two (2) Directors shall also be elected.

Section 2: Term

Term of office will be for one (1) year. Officer must have paid dues, attend at least half of the meetings and participate in the year's projects.

Article V: Meetings

Section 1: Regular Meetings

The regular meetings of the Society shall be held on the second Thursday of each month, except July and August. Members shall be duly notified of meetings by the Corresponding Secretary and of the nature of the business to be acted upon when there is such. Majority percent of the membership present, including at least three (3) elected officers shall constitute a quorum at any regular meeting. The May meeting shall include the annual election of officers.

Section 2: Special Meetings

Special meetings may be called by the President, with the concurrence of the First Vice-President or Recording Secretary.

The Executive Board shall meet one (1) week prior to the regular meeting.

Article VI: Committees

The Standing Committees of the Society shall be:

Program • Publicity
Membership • Ways and Means
Awards • Historian
Rose Show • Information
Nomination • Parliamentarian

Each committee shall have at least two (2) members in addition to the Chairperson, to carry on the activities of the Society. The President shall appoint Chairpersons of such committees, with the approval of the Executive Board.

Article VII: Directors

There shall be three (3) Directors, comprised of the immediate Past President and two (2) members, who have served in an official capacity. Directors serve as advisors to the Executive Board.

Article VIII: Parliamentary Authority

The latest revision of Roberts Rules of Order shall be the parliamentary authority.

Article IX: Method of Amending The Constitution And By-laws

The Constitution and By-laws may be amended at any meeting of the Society by a majority vote of those present. Prior written notice must be supplied to the membership by the Executive Board.


By-Laws of the Constitution

Article I: Membership

Application for membership shall be made to the membership committee.

Article II: Dues

The Executive Board will recommend an assessment of annual dues to be approved by a majority of the general membership at a regularly scheduled meeting. Dues are payable in January of each year.

Life membership fee is $150.00.

American Rose Society (ARS) dues are set by ARS and are due and payable annually, directly to ARS by each member.

Any member who is delinquent in payment of dues is not eligible to compete for Rose Society Trophies.

Article III: Voting

All Active, Associate and Life Members are eligible to vote.

Article IV: Duties of Officers

PRESIDENT: Shall preside over all meetings; appoint all standing committee chairpersons with approval of the Executive Board; be an ex-official member of all committees except nomination; and perform all other duties of the office.

FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT: Shall, in the absence or disability of the President, perform the duties of the President; shall be the Program Committee Chairperson; shall expedite the printing and issuing of the Society Yearbook and shall perform all other duties as required.

SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT: Shall, In the absence of the President and/or First Vice-President, assume the duties of their offices; shall assist the First Vice-President in the annual programs, and shall be chairperson of the Membership and Hospitality Committees; and shall perform any other duties prescribed by the President.

RECORDING SECRETARY: Shall keep the minutes of all meetings and, within two weeks, present them to the President for approval; and shall keep an up to date list of members and attendance.

CORRESPONDING SECRETARY: Shall conduct all regular correspondence by the Society and submit a list of elected officers to the ARS and Nevada Garden Clubs, Inc, and to any other organization as required.

TREASURER: Shall receive and deposit all monies belonging to the Society; shall pay by check all bills incurred by the Society, upon approval of the Executive Board; shall be chairperson of the Finance Committee; shall keep in close contact with the Recording Secretary with new members and their addresses; and shall submit a budget at the first regular meeting of the year for approval by the Society.

Article V: Committees

EXECUTIVE BOARD: Shall have the general direction of the Society and power to transact all ordinary business.

PROGRAM COMMITTEE: Shall provide interesting and helpful programs.

MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE: Shall procure new members and pass upon the eligibility of new members.

SHOW COMMITTEE: Shall take charge of the rose show, including authorization of all show expenditures. Expenditures for trophies, etc, shall be voted on by the members in good standing.

NOMINATING COMMITTEE: Shall consist of a chairperson and two (2) members to be chosen no later than March preceding election. Names of candidates shall be submitted to membership at the May meeting.

PUBLICITY COMMITTEE: Shall publicize all meetings through the newspapers, and publicize any public service activities through the newspaper, radio and TV whenever possible.

WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE: Shall be in charge of fund raising projects; shall recommend to the Executive Board any new projects planned for their approval.

HISTORIAN AND LIBRARIAN COMMITTEE: Shall keep all copies of the Society's projects; shall inform members of any worthwhile books.

INFORMATION COMMITTEE: Shall have a chairperson and three (3) members to telephone members on time and place of special projects.

PARLIAMENTARIAN COMMITTEE: Shall advise the President on parliamentary law and have a copy of Roberts Rules of Order; shall be on the By-Laws Committee.

Committees shall furnish written reports to the Executive Board, if requested.


Call 702-873-6621 to get in touch with a Consulting Rosarian.

Or e-mail us at the Las Vegas Valley Rose Society


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