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This page is SPECIFICALLY for all of YOU!! Listed below are some questions for fellow Linda Davis fans. Send your answers to, and I will post them here for ALL fans to enjoy!!
1. Where did you first hear about Linda?
2. When did you first see Linda in concert?
3. What is your favorite Linda song, and why?
4. Which is your favorite Linda album?
5. If you could ask Linda ONE question, what would it be?
Since this is my page, I thought I'd get the ball rolling with my answers:
1. Like a lot of others, I have REBA to thank for introducing me to Linda Davis!! 2. I first saw Linda with Reba in 1994. 3. My favorite song is "I Wanna Remember This" cause it kind of expresses my feelings about the first time I met Linda. 4. "I'm Your's" because it's FABULOUS!! 5. WHEN ARE YOU BRINGING YOUR SHOW TO VEGAS???
***Answers sent in from*** 1. When I was watching this week in country music. 2. I haven't seen her yet but really want to. 3. I took the tourch outta his old flame it's a very upbeat and I love the song. 4. Somethings are meant to be. 5. What advice to you have for a person just starting out in College?
***From my wallpaper buddy JORDAN:*** ( 1. When I bought "If You See Him" and I heard the duet "Face To Face" 2. I haven't seen JUST linda, in July 1998 I saw her with Reba. 3. Walk Away, just because it's a good song. 4. Some Things Are Meant To Be 5. What is your favorite song of all time?
*****Answers from Linda Fan Sandy:***** 1. When her duet came out with Reba 2. With Reba- 1996 Without Reba-1998 3. I Wanna Remember This, It always puts me in a good mood. 4. I'm Yours, even though it doesn't not have Neither One of On it. 5. What kind of car do you drive. Color, Make, and Model
Answers provided by "Scrapbook Amber" ( 1. I first heard about Linda when "Does He Love You" was released...the first time I saw her was on the video 2. I first saw Linda in concert with Reba in 1994. I saw Linda solo for the first time at the Wildhorse Saloon, Feb. 13, 1999. It was a wonderful experience. 3. It is too hard to choose...I think my favorite varies year to year, but at this moment, my favorite Linda song is "After a Kiss". I love it because it is a well-crafted song, and Linda puts so much power and emotion into it. It really shows off her vocal abilities and her ability to convey true emotion 4. My favorite Linda album is "I'm Yours" because it contains some of my older favorites along with her amazing new material. I feel the new songs are some of the strongest Linda has recorded. 5. What do you appreciate most about your fans?
Answers from (Leigh) 1. I first heard about Linda through Reba McEntire. She was Reba's opening act back in 1991 and then eventually became Reba's backup singer and duet partner. 2. The first time I saw Linda in concert was in March of 1991 when she was Reba's opening act. I thought she was fantastic! It was Linda Davis and Restless Heart that opened for Reba that year. Linda quickly became one of my all time favorites. She won my heart instantly! I have followed her ever since. I went out after the concert and bought her album and have since gotten all of her albums. I have also met her several times and she is just sooo down to earth and sweet and very appreciative of her fans. She treats her fans like close friends and makes you feel so comfortable. I just love her! 3. I don't know if I could pick just one song. I love them all! I guess if I have to narrow it down, maybe "If I Could Only Be Like You" and "I Wanna Remember This". But, I love all of them! Linda has a fabulous voice! I could listen to her all day every day! Anything she sings I would like! 4. Once again, hard question. I like all of them. I guess if I had to pick one, I would pick "I'm Yours" since it has some of her older songs as well as some great new ones. It has a nice variety. Kind of a "best of" plus some. 5. Wow! Tough question! I have a lot of things I would want to ask her, some of which I have asked her before. I would really like to know more about her as a person and what makes her tick. It is hard to narrow it down to a single question. That would take some more thought. Like I said, there is a lot I would want to ask her. There is a lot I would like to tell her too.

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