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What Is the Jaguar Top 50??


The Jaguar Top 50 started a couple of summers ago, when CobraCF2 had an idea to create a page where Jaguar gamers could compete against each other in games that used high scores. Appleseed and Jagman stepped in to help create and maintain the site. When we started the site we only had a couple of games. I believe Tempest 2000 and Super Burnout (Japan track) Right off the bat the Jag Top 50 was a huge success. Jaguar gamers everywhere started sending in their best scores. From there on the Jaguar Top 50 grew, expanding more and more games to this day. Now there is a Top 50 team. There are sections for just about every Atari system including 8-Bit Computers, Lynx, 2600, 5200, 7800, all created by Appleseed then passed to other members of the team. We never thought it would grow to what it is now. There has been little interest in the 2600, 5200, 7800, Lynx pages lately (in the last year) so if anyone wants to see them redone or added to the Jaguar Top 50 send in some letters, Thanks.

How Do I Play?

Well bascially, all you need is a Jaguar, and some games that the utilizes some sort of High score, weather its a score, best time, etc. Follow the rules on the page of the game you want to play and send in a score to CobraCF2, or AppleSeed, or you can even use the Atari Top 50 Message board if you like. What seperates the Jaguar Top 50 from just your average high score site is the stipulations that you must go by to play each game. Maybe one game will have a play until you die, and another will be die once and thats it.

How Do You Know The Player is Telling The Truth?

The Jaguar Top 50 has always been about honesty. We trust the players that they will follow the rules and not cheat. There are currently no rewards to getting any high score so doing this is purly just for fun. It can be good competition when 2 or more players are battling it out for first place. I understand that sometimes there may be someone who submits a false score, but for the most part I think everybody has been very honest, and I thank you all for that. If you have a really awesome score, you can send me a pic and i'll post it on the site but its not necessary.

Status of Jaguar Top 50

The Jaguar Top 50 is being redone now that Myself and AppleSeed are webmasters again. Please excuse the look of it right now we promise it will be much better very shortly. We are hoping there are people out there still playing the good old Jaguar =)


A big thanks goes out to everybody that has helped the Top 50 what it is today, and for the people that are keeping it alive still by continuing to send in scores. We really apprciate that. We hope you guys can keep the Jaguar Top 50 alive in 2000 and beyond. That should be no problem with the flood of new games from songbird, Battlesphere from 4Play and Telegames. Peace!

-The Atari Top 50 Team