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A Ministry of Craig and Kimberly Lornson
Psalms 41:1-2..."Blessed is he who considers the poor; the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble, the Lord will preserve him and keep him alive, and he will be blessed here on earth..."

Welcome to “Righteous Invasion Of Truth”... We are a voice for the homeless and those that live in poverty in America Today. Do you have any idea of just how many men, women, and children are currently having difficulty in making ends meet in our wealthy nation today? Thirty Six Million!...That’s right, 36 Million!. 11% of all white people, 14% of all Asians, 26% of all Blacks, and 27% of all Hispanics are living at, or below the poverty level in the United States today. There may be more jobs for us today, than we had five years ago, but jobs that pay a living wage are the real answer. Also, there has been a steep decline in lower income alter- natives for residency (that referring to the one room apartments in major cities). The bottom line is, facts are facts...And that is what I have designed this web site for- to present some of the facts on poverty and homelessness in our country today, and to ask the many Christians out there to step up in their own communities and do something about it...
Proverbs 19:17..."He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward him for what he has done..."

In 1997, 27% of ALL requests for emergency shelter went unmet due to lack of facilities... “Second Harvest”, the nation’s largest network of food banks said (in 1997), that it’d demand for food and services was up by 15%, while at the same time, it’s supplies fell by 5%. Also in that same year, 19.9% of all persons living under the age of 18, were living at, or below the poverty level- that translates to approximate 14.1 million children. 26 million Americans were serviced by emergency food banks and relief ministries in that same year, and of that total, 54% of the families that sought relief were single parent homes, and of that, 38% were under the age of 18, and 16% were over the age of 65...Which leads me to ask you to ponder this question- In light of the Wel- fare Reform Act of 1996, which limits the aid to a family to a maximum of five years in a lifetime, what do you suppose the figures above will look beginning in the year 2001???

"Hello All! I hope everyone is well...For those of you who "dont know", Kimberly and I have relocated as of September 2nd, to LAS VEGAS!...I have a new job, in a new town, and we have found a wonderful new church...DAYBREAK CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP is fantastic, and Pastor Michael is absolutely...well, he is the best! I hope you will pray for us, as we begin our work in our new home, as we hope to reach out to the homeless population through prayer and gifts, and make a difference here!
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