The Firing Range
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Thanks for waiting while my page is under destruction. It got wiped out a bit ago, and I am just now getting back to it. I figure why put off today, what you can put off tomorrow. You might get the idea, I am a bit of a conservative by my links, and you're right. No apologies given. Don't like the liberal slant of news you are force fed on the news? Try this. The Other Side of the News has a different outlook to what the media would like you to know. Right or Wrong? It's up to you. Another good place to get information is The New American which is the magazine of the John Birch Society. Sound a little too conservative? Don't worry, I am not a stuffed shirt. I like having fun like anyone else. But some of the things that are happening to our once great country give me a bit of concern. There are those who are running our country that don't abide by The Constitution. Those who are in power would have you believe it is an antiquated document with no bearing on the present day. Who are these people? They are the same people who wish to enslave the masses. About now some of you are probably thinking,"This guy is a lunatic". Am I the "enemy". In answer I say no. I am a concerned citizen worried about some of the people we have in our government. Here are some people that think a lot like I do. That may worry some of you, but others, well it may just give them hope they are not alone. Where do you fit in?

To be continued......hehehehehehehe

Or maybe this is a bit too serious for you. Check out this site if you feel the need to lighten up after this.
