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Laughlin Bike Run April 2001

Hi! My name is Lycia (pronounced Leesha) Welcome to my home page. Here you will find a bunch of pictures of me, my family and my friends. If you give each page just a moment to load, you should do just fine. My guestbook file appears to be corrupt so you may not be able to sign until I replace it. Sorry ~:^{

I was born in California on July 7th, 1966 (so that makes me 34 years old), grew up in Arizona with my two sisters and two brothers and I now live in Nevada. I teach aerobics a few days a week at a couple of the bigger gyms here, including GOLD'S and I lift weights regularly. I have recently completed my MCSE track(Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer)and although I've received certificates of completion, I haven't taken any of the exams. I will be required to pass six to get my engineering certification. Wish me luck!

I like to do many things but my two favorite pastimes are exercising and working on my computer. I am somewhat of a loner but I think people are very interesting and have no problem fitting in.

I created this website as a way to familiarize myself with HTML coding. There is a lot to learn! (I have recently changed my directory structure and haven't edited some of the file paths yet so some of the pictures may not load at this time).

  • UPDATE: I am moving back to Phoenix at the end of June to be closer to my parents. They are going to be out of town for the summer, however so I will need lots of friends to keep me company!

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