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Breast Cancer Awareness

This page is dedicated to My mother Jeanette whom I lost to breast cancer.She died in May of 1993 and my life has not been the same without her.She was quite a woman. My mother was my best friend. I just loved to talk to her,she had great insight on how you were feeling and alway's made you feel special! She had a great sense of humor and loved to laugh ( can still hear her laugh).

I hear many people complain about their mothers budding in or telling them what they should do with their lives. Mine never did that she was a wonderful human being whom I miss so much .She made decisions about her children mostly from her heart and soul.

Amazing woman she made being a mom look so easy. Now I know how hard a job it can be. The letting go of an adult child telling them good luck and be careful when inside your dying out of what could happen. She made it look so easy . I can imagine how many times she went to sleep and cried about her children. I can only hope when I am older that my children think of me the way I think of my mother. She will be gone 10 years this May19th. Doesnt seem possible.

Breast cancer took her away from her golden years .She just turned 62 when she died. Please if you have a mother a sister an aunt or a daughter a grandmother or a friend. Urge them to have a simple mammogram it may save you the heart ache and the loss of a dear loved one.

My mother taught me many many things.All the important things Compassion,Stamina,Kindness,Determination,Truth and most important Humor.My mother was such a big part of my life,I still cry for her and I probably alway's will.
And Yes she was my Hero!!!!!!


Mays birthstone-Emerald
Mays flower-Lily of the Valley
{5/1/31 - 5/19/93}

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Yes Mom Im wearing colorful clothes and picking up the pace!

Backround is one of my creations.

Web Sites

Komen Foundation
American Cancer Society
Avons Breast Cancer Awarness Pin
Hospice on the Net

Things You can do:

  • Breast exams (by yourself and your doctor)
  • Mammograms(1 each and every year)
  • Urge your Loved ones to get mammograms and exams!!