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A True Golfer's Guide to Las Vegas Golf

(and all of Southern Nevada, too)

Updated: May 7, 2001

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Golf Course Reviews

Webmaster's Note: Well, I'm in the middle of final exams, which means, by the end of the week, I'll be back in Las Vegas. One of many summer projects is to sit down one weekend, and give this site one helluva facelift. I'm real excited about coming home. I can honestly say I miss Las Vegas, even though I like Texas much more. If anybody still visits here, I appreciate it. Check back in the near future, and I will provide a better site for yall (oh, damn, did i just use that word).

Till yonder, The Lonely Webmaster from Las Vegas, Texas

Resort - This is the bulk of Las Vegas Golf (Gee, I don't know why; Las Vegas doesn't get any visitors!:)Updated!.

Private - Where you might be able to breeze on or you have no chance in hell of breathing on the property.Updated!

The Municipals - You'll save money on green fees, but it costs you more in patience.

The Driving Ranges - For those who love to golf but hate to putt (to be completed in the near future).

Links - Some golf, some not. But all definetly worth going to. Updated!!!!!

Webrings - Explore the pages listed, and join the rings (I order you to, or else pay a viewing fine to my home address). Updated!

My Personal Biography - You can finally learn about the genius behind this masterpiece of a webpage.Updated!!


Please, I say again, tell me how I'm doing. And leave a trace, too, so I can spy on your every move (I love return visitors, so I will do what it takes to achieve that). And if you really want to be my friend, just send some cash. I will give you love in return.

Thanks, The Webmaster

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