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(Mask of Deicide)Demonic eyes , shielded underneath thick strands of (fire red hair ), his hair going down to his shoulders, and shorter strands curving about his jaw line, those were the strands that hid, his demonic orbs. Upon his left ear, on his cartiledge he had three piercings with silver loops, bone skull with red ruby outline. His left ear lobe having upon it a plain red ruby , held upon a silver clasp. His left eye brow, having three piercings of its own, the same as his cartiledge on his ear, accept for a blue outline for the skulls. His chin had a short cut goatee, not as thick as a older man would have but that of a teenager. His side burns coming down to curve toward his upper lip, also partially visable. Upon his neck he wore a chain , but it was tucked down underneath his usual dress shirt, sometimes black, sometimes dark red , to match his hair.Upon his waist used as a belt was a silver chain , locked together with a bone skull buckle , outlined in red ruby , the chain was long and vined downward hugging his black jeans tight to his thighs , his sword upon his right side, in a sheath decorated with red ruby . His claws could be seen as he grasped the hilt of his sword, they were sharp and perfectly shaped into points. His black leather boots running up underneath his jeans, upon them also were smaller chains , decorated with red ruby. He stood at 6'3 his build was naturally formed from his training, and centuries he had spent within the underworld, working upon building the empire of hell. Usually no expression upon his face, unless it was his infamous grin.

Name: Zavion LeFay CurseTex
Alias : Deicide
Height : 6'3
Weight : 187
Eye Color : Green
Hair : Red
Date of Birth : 06-06-0666
Time of Death : 09-13-0685
First sited in RhyDin : 1666
Number of recorded kills : 100(174)
Assassination : Unknown (74)
Execution : 12
Reaping : 16
Death Match : 72
Wife : Tessa LeFay CurseTex
Power : High (d97)
Race : Immortal Demon
Rhy'Din Caution : Extremely Hostile and Dangerous.
Alignment : Dark Chaotic

( Mask of Rapture )