Starlight Canyon

Starlight Canyon is a nice and thin canyon, and best of all, doesn't usually require you to get wet - so it can be done in winter.
The canyon goes completely underground for around 300 metres at one point, immediately after a spectacular 20m abseil. Unfortunately this underground section is prone to flooding after rain, and the first person down the abseil must check it completely to ensure it is not flooded before allowing anyone else down.

I have done the canyon three times now... and this section has only been passable once. And even this once we had to wade in freezing water up to waist deep for about 1/4 of the way.

If the underground section is flooded, the lead abseiller should prusik up the rope, and you should go over the top, and abseil back into the canyon proper at the first available point (shown here). There were some slings here last time we had to do this.
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