

(Translated from Hebrew “arah”)

cause to be bare; hence to empty, pour out, demolish:

leave destitute, empty, make naked, rase, uncover.



Maybe we just need to raze a little hell now and then!


“And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy”

                (Acts 2:17)



Allow me to introduce myself.  I am Rick.  In my younger days I was a hell-raiser, now I am doing my best to Raze Hell!


“I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant.”

                (Jeremiah 1:10)



There are many things about me that may make some wonder if I am sincere in my dedication to the Christian cause.  I can joyfully tell you that I am adamant about my devotion to Jesus Christ.  On May 9, 1998 He came and saved me from certain damnation.  The story of that may show up on one of my writings someday, but for now I have several other things that I have thought about. 

(See the information and disclaimers at the bottom of this page.)


For Now…





Your Brother in Christ,




(Word To The Father)




Information and disclaimers


Some things I would like to state about my pages:


I have written some of the links listed while some are writings I have gotten from other sources (email, other websites, etc.).  When permission is known and/or given I have noted the originator, otherwise I have noted it as “Unknown”.


Also, the stories and outlooks that I have written are based on the King James Version of the Holy Bible unless otherwise noted.


In my studies I use the Strong’s Concordance (KJV) and Unger’s Bible Dictionary.  If my studies are not understandable and reliable from your viewpoint, please email me and I will let you know where I received my input.


The stories that I have (personally) written are my point of view.  I welcome and enjoy feedback from other’s viewpoints.  I have added a page of those viewpoints so that you may know that not everyone reads the same material with the same thinking.


I have done my best to assist in research.  The Bible references on my pages will also be links.  If you hold your mouse over the reference and left click, it should open a new internet window with the complete chapter that is referenced (KJV).  If this does not happen, please email me and let me know.


Last but not least,

I do not consider myself a theologian or prophet.  These writings are what I got out of what I have read.  Please read these passages for yourself and you will find that you will be spoken to by the voice that is the Spirit inside of you.


Thank you and God Bless

