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Welcome to My New Homepage!

Welcome to my personal homepage. I'm glad you decided to stop by. This page is currently under construction and probably always will be; it is just for fun, and I won't try to sell you anything. So pull up a chair and make yourself at home! I have included some images that I hope you will enjoy and might make my page look a little better.

To the right you will see a beautiful picture of the picturesque Neuschwanstein Castle in Bavaria, Germany, originally built for King Ludwig II. What impressive architecture! Every university should look just like that. And below you will see a picture of Osaka Castle, which I have visited. It's the best picture of it I have. So I thought I would put it here.

You can also check out an HTML Basics page that I used to create my homepage. Maybe it will assist you in building a page for yourself.

You can e-mail me at risingsun96815@yahoo.comSPAM. I have used for a long time. It's a good free web-based e-mail provider.

Here's a chorus to a song that I like:

Add chorus here...

Thanks for visiting my page! It was a pleasure to have you as my guest. Stop by again some time soon.