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The following is from the Socialist Party homepage with my comments in blue.

The Socialist Party --What They Are & Who They Are.

Socialists believe that the maldistribution of wealth, power, and income, are not mere aberrations of the capitalist system - they are the capitalist system. (In other words, what's mine is their's and what's yours is their's!)

Socialists critically support liberal reform measures (such as increases in the minimum wage)(which only forces small business out of business) not as ends in themselves, but as guideposts pointing to the need for a fundamental transformation of our society.

Membership in the Socialist Party implies a clear agreement with and commitment to the fundamental points of the party's statement of principles, Socialism As Radical Democracy. There are many different points of view within the Socialist Party, but all of them are in agreement with these basic points of democratic socialism.

  Production For Use Instead Of Profit 

Socialists seek a society in which the production and distribution of goods and services is based on public need instead of private profit.(You are not to profit from your labor) We believe that the use of profitability as the overriding criterion for the production and distribution of goods and services usually leads to decisions which harm the public welfare. This is especially true where irreplaceable natural resources are concerned (EPA?)

Socialists believe that once we begin moving to introduce democracy into our economic institutions, it will be possible to establish the public good - instead of private profit (private profit, that's YOU not making anything extra, just what it takes to maintain, no big screen TV, no car, no dessert, no new clothes, no vacations, no savings, no nothing) - as the cornerstone of a new national and international economic order (New World Order?)

The Extension Of Democracy From Politics To The Economy

Socialists believe that in order for political democracy to work well in a post-industrial society, it must be complemented by economic democracy. Socialists feel that unless at least "the commanding heights of the economy(the biggest businessess & the biggest farms, etc)" are socially (government) owned and democratically controlled, those corporations will use their enormous political and economic clout to circumvent and block political democracy. Accordingly, Socialists support such institutions as consumer cooperatives (no personal profit), workers' font color="3399ff"> (no personal profit) and worker/consumer participation in the management of governmentally-owned industry (no personal ownership of anything), as steps toward a society in which political democracy is reinforced and strengthened by economic democracy.


Isn't that what the Patriots of days gone by fought against?
Isn't that what the Patriots of today are fighting against?
Isn't that real close to communism? Even though the Socialist Party 'tries' to stress that they are not!


First and foremost and besides anything else... ANYONE who supports a Democracy IS committing an act of treason! Article IV, section 4 of the Constitution for the united states of America CLEARLY STATES,'The united states of America shall guarantee to every state in this Union a Republican Form of Government,....'

N-E-X-T - P-A-G-E

P-R-E-V-I-O-U-S - P-A-G-E

C-O-N-T-E-N-T-S - P-A-G-E