Survival Guide
Do NOT tell anyone you have these items.
It's your business,not theirs...
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Always have at least 10 to 20 gallons of drinking water on hand, in the living quarters, per person, readily accessible, at all times.
(did you know that food storage is against the law ?)
(talk about a tyranical government)

Always keep at least a 3 month supply of food on hand in the living quarters per person...Canned chili and soup are good but MRE's (meals ready to eat) are best. (A years supply is best). (And don't forget your pets).
(in my opinion) A rifle - shotgun - handgun - at least 1,000 rounds for each, per person in household. AND A FULL KNOWLEDGE OF USE AND CARE OF ARMS.

Store as many as you can. For use of light and warming food and for barter.
All types. Get the re-chargable type and a solar charger...
Battery powered - solar powered - handcranked gnerator powered ( a good source for batteries, chargers, radios...
Several large jars. Smear on body to help counter tear-gas and chemical exposure...
In case regular phone line is interrupted.... Also, in a "major" power outage or computor collapse, cell phones will be out....C.B. or Ham radio (with back-up power) will be 'the' communication tools....
Extra heavy-duty (welders gloves)..You may want to pick-up tear-gas cannisters and "give" them back to your "visitors".....
If your water supply gets shut off, you still have your natural body functions to deal with (#2). Small kitchen size bags to place in toilet and also some motor oil to keep smell contained. Then when full, take outside and bury...
As many as you possibly can store...They have those "space bags" out now that you can put multiple blankets and stuff into then suck the air out and be able to store more.....
A MUST..If the water supply should be cut-off for any length of time, the next water to come thru will most likely be "yucky"...If you don't have a filter of some type built into your system, an under the counter type will work or hand-held will work...If you own or rent now, you should filter the tap water regardless...There is plenty of "crap" in it now...A whole house filter is best...Most people don't realize that the skin on your body absorbs the water (shower/bath) and all that "good" stuff that's in it...Collecting rain water is a good source of emergency water but it must be filtered/disenfected and that is where the hand-held filters come in to play. When collecting rain water, run the water thru something like a coffee filter to remove large particles and then run it thru a good filter... A couple of drops of bleach per gallon of water will help disenfect but then will taste bad, so have some Kool-Aid to flavor the water...also, let stand in sun and air for a few minutes and most of bleach will dissapate...If you have gallon jugs of bleach, when you are through with them, rinse them out a couple of times and then fill with water. That should be good for about 6 month storage (CAUTION--Not recommended for drinking, use for cleaning purposes)...Avoid using "thin" plastic bottles for storage. Personally, I use my empty Tropicana orange juice jugs & I refill them every 2 months...

Once again,, let me remind you,, that keeping this stuff a secret from your neighbors and friends does not make you a bad person...Think.. If and when the proverbial "poop" hits the fan, picture what is gonna happen...CHAOS...People are so dependant on having everything at their finger-tips...When all of a sudden it's gone, then what ????...I can picture it and it "ain't" pretty...If everyone was responsible for themselves (like they are supposed to be)(but we all know better), life would be a whole lot better now and "then"...Just be prepared......

REMEMBER, always have more than you think you will use because you can always use the excess for barter.

"Water Storage Systems" This site is an excellant source for water storage and purification...

"Solar Products"

"Cheaper Than Dirt" This site has most everything from ammo to gas masks to.....

"How to Make a Solar Generator"

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