Handwriting Analysis     

This is a very simplistic handwriting analysis -- it can go much farther than here. But what you will find here are some basic questions which you can answer. To start off, get a piece of unlined, blank paper -- computer or copier paper, or something along those lines. Write a letter IN CURSIVE, IN BALLPOINT PEN to me or to yourself or to someone else. Write down what's on your mind or just babble on. What you write doesn't matter all that much.

Now answer the following questions without looking at the answers on the next page. Make note of them somewhere so you'll know how you answered to what.

1) Looking mainly at letters with a stem, such as d, l, t and b (but those should reflect in the rest of your writing), does your writing slant:

   a. to the left (example: \\\)
   b. not at all (example: |||)
   c. to the right (example: ///>
   d. unstable (example: /\|)

2) Now that we know what slant is, how slanted is your slant? Use a ruler, or estimate degrees. Do your upper-zone letters (those with a stem) slant:

   a. 45+ degrees leftward (\)
   b. 30 degrees leftward
   c. slightly leftward
   d. not at all (|)
   e. slightly to moderately rightward (/)
   f. 35 degrees rightward
   g. 45+ degrees rightward
   h. wobly (unstable)

3) Are there some words that slant differently than all the rest of them?

   a. yes
   b. no

4) Do your letters with a crossbar (t and f, capital T and I, etc.) and your lower-zone letters (y, cursive z, g) have a "club" at the end -- ie, more pressure was applied?

   a. yes
   b. no

5) Compare some letters that are the same letter of the alphabet. Do they all look perfect, almost too perfect -- as if they were practically computer printed?

   a. yes
   b. no

6) Do your lower-case e's curl in at the end of words, and do your lower-case d's lean completely to the right while the rest of your writing does not?

   a. only e's
   b. only d's
   c. d's and e's
   d. neither

7) Look at your baseline -- the invisible line that follows the bottom of each line of writing on your blank page. Is that line:

   a. straight, but with some mild variation
   b. perfectly straight -- no errors
   c. continuously ascending (/)
   d. continuously descending (\)
   e. ascending, but then falling off to straighten; or straight, but falling off to descend
   f. convex (upper half of a circle or oval)
   g. straight writing, but a few lines crowding, descending and abruptly stopping at the end
   h. a few words in the middle of a line suddenly ascending or descending
   i. erratic (all over the place -- a combination of all the above)
   j. incoherent (unable to be identified)

8) How do your margains (the space on the sides, top and bottom) look? (may be more than one of the below)

   a. about an inch on the left, top and bottom, slightly less on the right
   b. larger margains, but even all around
   c. large left margain
   d. large right margain
   e. huge margains on all sides -- limited amount of writing in center of page
   f. left margain widening with each new line
   g. left margain narrowing with each new line
   h. very narrow or no right and left margains
   i. uneven left margain
   j. no margains whatsoever
   k. wide upper margain
   l. narrow upper margain
   m. wide lower margain
   n. narrow lower margain
   o. crushed right margain (squeezing in and dropping off at very edge)

9) How are your spaces between letters and words doing?

   a. very wide spaces between words
   b. very wide spaces between letters
   c. very narrow spaces between letters
   d. narrow letter spaces, wide word spaces
   e. narrow spaces all around
   f. overlapping words and lines (tangling)
   g. uneven
   h. large spaces all around
   i. none of the above

10) Is your writing pressure:

   a. heavy
   b. very heavy
   c. light
   d. very light (almost unreadable)
   e. uneven
   f. none

11) Is the size of your writing:

   a. large
   b. medium
   c. small
   d. microscopic

12) Which horizontal zone of your writing is the largest?

   a. the upper one (where you have the stems of h's and t's, etc.)
   b. the middle zone (where all letters have something)
   c. the lower zone (where the y's and g's have their loops, etc.)
   d. equal

This is just the beginning, but it's a good start. For the answers go to the next page.
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