-At the end, during Austin's confrontation with the FemBots, he lights them all a cigarette. In one scene the cigarettes fly into their mouths. In the next scene they are gone and they are no where around them.

-When Mike Myers and Elizabeth Hurley are on top of the bus, for one scene Mike Myers' teeth are clean.

-After Austin and Vanessa's night on the town, she falls asleep on Austin, holding a champagne glass, the laptop computer starts beeping, and when Austin pushes her off of him, the glass disappears.

-When Austin first encounters the fembots, just right before the lead one gasses him, and the nozzles come out, look closely at the bottom left of the screen (during the headshot of the lead one) and you'll see the nozzle is already out on her left breast.

-In the scene where Liz Hurley gets drunk and the laptop rings, the first time it shows the laptop, there is an alarm clock behind it. First it reads about 10:30 or so. The 2nd time it is off.

-When Austin is unfrozen you see the scientists remove the wires clipped to his ears, then suddenly they are back.

-Near the end when Christian Slater comes back with the orange sherbert Austin has no gun, and then in the next shot Austin has a gun but no sherbert.

-In the scene at Alotta Fagina's penthouse, you can clearly see the side of her swimming costume as she gets in the jacuzzi - she's meant to be naked (I think).

-The scene where Austin is doing the modes of transportation ( the canoe, the escalator, etc.) he uses the word elevator. Now if Austin and Vanessa are both english, why didn't he use the english 'lift'?

-The center of the earth is NOT magma, it is nickel.

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