Bills Thunder


Edwards redeems himself with great game in KC

Redemption! That was the title of the 2-hour movie for 24 Sunday night on Fox. Redemption was also the theme for both the Bills and quarterback Trent Edwards when they blasted the Kansas City Chiefs 54-31 Sunday. It was the second highest points the Bills ever scored in team history, and the most points in 42 years.

It may have been against the lowly KC Chiefs, but it must have been a great relief to Bills fans seeing the Bills offense finally get untracked and score so many points.

Rookie defensive back Leodis McKelvin had two interceptions, the first of which he returned for 64 yards and a score.

On Monday Night Football, Trent Edwards looked like a deer in the headlights. He was afraid to throw downfield after the 3 interceptions in the first quarter. Ten of his passes were to Marshawn Lynch, and they were mostly perpendicular to the line of scrimmage, so they were almost laterals. Everyone was asking if Edwards was gun-shy or if he were still suffering from the effects of the concussion he had in Arizona.

"I always try to be confident," said Edwards after the game. "Even when I'm not, I try to act like I am. As a quarterback, you have to act that way."

He may be trying to act confident, but everyone could see that he was anything but against Cleveland 6 days earlier.

Sunday's game in Kansas City was the first time Edwards has actually played well since before that Arizona game. Some will argue that he was OK when the Bills beat the Chargers, but the game against the Chiefs is a sure indication that he is no longer scared to throw down field. He was back to the old Trent self after a somewhat shaky start in KC.

Even better were his two touchdown runs. The first one was from 15 yards out and he dove the last 4 yards to make sure he reached the endzone. On that play, there were only 4 seconds left in the half and Edwards couldn’t be stopped short.

"I started taking off running," explained Edwards. "I was thinking of going to the sideline and getting out of bounds and then the end zone was kind of right there and I ran as hard as I could."

Edwards had not been the same quarterback since his concussion in Arizona. Whether that had anything to do with his lack of confidence he displayed against Cleveland Monday night is anyone's guess. However, Edwards looked like the quarterback who had directed the Bills to 4 straight wins to open the season. He even showed daring and guts when he tucked the ball in and ran for those two touchdowns.

Sure, the Chiefs are a bad team...but so are the Browns and the Bills lost to them. A win is a win and maybe this will help get the Bills back in the race, but it's still a long shot as they may have shot themselves in the foot one too many times.

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