Bills Thunder

McGahee Grounds Jets

The Buffalo Bills went with Kelly Holcomb for the second straight week, and got positive results for the second straight time. The Bills took a 14-0 lead and never lost it, eventually beating the New York Jets 27-17. Willis McGahee was the workhorse, romping for 143 yards and scored a touchdown.

With the Pats losing to the Broncos, the Bills suddenly find themselves in a tie with the Super Bowl champions.

Sunday, Holcomb was efficient enough to give the Bills a balanced attack, completing18 of 26 passes for 172 yards with two touchdowns. He also was intercepted twice, but bounced back both times. Having Willis McGahee rumble for 143 yards helped Holcomb balance his attack and get some of the pressure off when he did throw.

Holcomb could have been starting for Cleveland all along. The Browns made him the offer, but he decided to come to Buffalo and even be the backup here. He knew that JP Losman would have his rookie quarterback lights up the scoreboard his first year like Ben Roethlisberger did.

Holcomb played his cards right, kept his cool and patience and now has been officially announced as the starter against the Oakland Raiders next week. It is well deserved as he directed the Bills to two home victories against the Dolphins and the Jets.

One of the big questions being asked around Buffalo is why didn't the Bills come out with this game plan for J.P. Losman? Use your biggest weapon and hammer the opponent with him. Willis McGahee is obviously the biggest offensive weapon the Bills have. Not to offend Eric Moulds or Lee Evans, but McGahee is the closest thing to a superstar the Bills have on their offense.

"It's refreshing, knowing that when you hand the ball off to this guy, he can do it," lauded Holcomb . "Willis can make plays. He can run. I just sit back there and marvel sometimes at what he does."

McGahee, who has been seen limping off the field many times the past two season, always comes back strong. Fans worry about him re-injuring his knee that he suffered in his last college game.

"My body's good, I keep getting up so I can't complain," McGahee said. "If that's what it takes to win, that's what we're going to do."

"You got to ride the horse, baby," McGahee continued. "You got to ride 'em."

"He is a beast out there," Bills right guard Chris Villarial marveled. "It's nice to have that guy back there because he can make somebody miss or he can make you pay for tackling him."

Battered Jet

The other big story in this game was Jets quarterback Vinny Testaverde, the 41-year old wonder who came out of retirement to help out his old team in distress. While Vinny only completed 12 of 26 for161yards and 2 picks, he did seem to have some park in his throws. The Bills D pinned back their ears and went after Testaverde full force, especially in the first half.

"Well, I certainly didn't envision this," said Testaverde. On Sept. 27 Vinny had signed with the Jets after both of their quarterbacks, Chad Pennington and Jay Fiedler suffered shoulder injuries.

"I guess the honeymoon is over. I certainly didn't come back to lose and I am going to try to do everything in my power to get better. The guys are relying on me, so I have to step up and deliver."

"We couldn't stop their blitzes," said Testaverde. "They got to the quarterback a few times. ... I got hit a few more times (than last week) but I feel fine. In a peculiar and funny way, it feels good to get hit and get in football shape."

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