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Updated 11/4/00

Hey guys! I finally got some props up for you guys in the 3D Props section to mess with for 3D Studio Max! They are all in .zip format, please please read the .txt file in the zip before using the files. They will help out..alot! Anyways, have fun..makes stills and animations!!!

Updated 10/23/00

I uploaded a powerbomb through a flaming table animation in the 3d animation section. Also I put up some stills of the animation in the 3d Stills section. Check them out! Oh yea, be expecting a TIGHT 2d animation here pretty soon from Tone and I!

Updated 10/2/00

I fixed all the links in the 3D Animation Section again! Check them out!

This is my very first page ever! I think it went along well. This page is dedicated to my 3D and 2D artwork all evolved around wrestling. I will provide pics, movies, and useful stuff that would help towards 2D and 3D graphics. I will eventually post up some links to find the programs and maybe some tutorials. I might even make up some of my own tutorials. I think that would be fun. Also be sure to check out Siokno's game! Just click the banner at the very bottom! Well, be sure to check out my work and be sure to check out the Make Lots of Money link on the left. Maybe try and sign up for Alladvantage. Its worth it. Well, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns email me at

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