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Romance from Planet Zotar

A message from Zotar...

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My name is Ben Dion. Several months ago I had a dream so vivid that I want to share it with you. I dreamt that I was from another planet and was somewhat of an expert in the area of romance. Well, let me describe my dream to you...

I was Dionysus, aka Ben Dionysus, and I came from another world. The information following is as I remember it during my dream:

Your world (Planet Earth) may seem to you upside-down at times. On my planet (Zotar) we too experienced zaniness similar to what is now occurring on Earth. Zotar survived the "nuclear-threshold" period about 50 years ago. This period is about to end also for your planet. Once the threat of total annihilation has been erased, then the people on planet earth will be free to concentrate on productivity, happiness, and of course, ROMANCE. After Zotar became free from the political threats of nuclear-war; peace and freedom settled-in rather naturally. I accepted the position of Provost of ROMANCE, likewise, others became Provosts of productivity, happiness, freedom, etc. It's amazing how easy these products/activities were adopted by the Zotarians once the dishonest governments became honest. This will probably also occur on your planet earth, but I am not a prognosticator, you will have to decide what is best.

As Provost of Romance on planet Zotar, my duties were to inform the populace of all integrated knowledge known to date that propagates into a successful romantic-love relationship. As I inferred previously, after Zotarians survived their "Nuclear-Threshold" the governments were only needed to provide value and service in areas of romance, productivity, happiness, etc. My voluntary position did not evoke a paycheck. The remaining government, if you want to call it that (we called ours on Zotar the Valuable Service Entity (VSE for short) of the people), did not force any tax upon the individual Zotarians. All services and values were provided free of charge. If anyone used the service and reaped benefits, they would usually donate whatever they thought appropiate. And because everyone became very productive and wealthy, the donations were indeed very plentiful.

Should you take the advice of Dionysus?

First of all, you have nothing to lose. But if you don't agree with my advice, please do not use, it's up to you. Fifty years ago on my planet, people were struggling, just like you, with lasting, real romance. Since I have witnessed these sorrows, I know I can provide you information that may just spark the thinking you need for that relationship you have always desired. One caution before you read further... If you feel threatened, contrary, upset, quiet, itchy, lost or sexless, please consider leaving this page and browse your web for the page that advertises, "How to wallow in your misery!"

First,,,Your Emotional Core

You need to find out if you are ready for an exciting, lasting, real romantic relationship and to do this requires you to look inwardly at your emotional core. Ask yourself this, do your emotions determine your actions? Or do your actions create your emotional essence? You may answer that there is a mixture of both, but creating your emotional essence from your actions is the honest and mature method. If you are faraway from realizing this concept, then you need to work diligently at reversing previously dishonest concepts. If your emotional condition is one of sadness, anger, hate, jealousy, depression, envy or replete unhappiness, then do not act upon these emotions, they will only destroy. Emotions that a well-informed individual should strive to experience are ones of happiness and love. Remember that the only reason for life is to experience happiness. Love and romance can definitely attribute to one's happiness. True happiness cannot exist without the ultimate value of life. Life is to be protected and valued by any and all actions that you may take. One easy way to guarantee happiness and probably successful romantic relationships, is to strive to produce values for yourself and society. I do not mean become an altruist, to become an altruist is to sacrifice yourself, defaulting to the external. Altrusim is masked laziness and is used by externals to foster unearned guilt upon the producers. By providing values, please consider the following...

Whether you are a janitor, waitress, business executive or entrepreneur, you should consider your ability to provide values. How much value you provide determines how successful you will become. Whatever your profession or job, consider your contribution to producing or providing values, integrate the importance of your work to the product or service your company or business sells. Become enthused about the value(s) you contribute within your own area at work and strive to become as productive as possible. Enthusiasm for your work and becoming more productive will increase the excitement and move you forward and upwards. Think of yourself as the "business owner" for the work related functions that you are responsible for and become as creative and productive as you can. This is the route to HAPPINESS. And when you are happy, you can become very ROMANTIC!

Providing values will assist in producing the positive happy emotions you need to address a romantic relationship. When you are happy, really happy, the romantic partner you find will most likely be happy also. This can be the start of a real and lasting romantic relationship.

Find Your PVS (Personal Values Shared)

It is paramount that you begin your romantic-love relationship with at least one PVS. You cannot have too many PVS's. When you and your romantic-love partner share personal values with each other, your relationship can grow and endure. There was once an old cliche on your planet that indicated that "opposites attract". This fallacy was based upon inanimate objects and not conscious individuals. My advice to you in this area is to find one that mirrors your values. As I mentioned, my position on Zotar as Provost of Romance was volunteered on a part-time basis, and I normally only spent 60 - 80 hours (equivalent earth hours) weekly as provost. My remaining time was spent in my full-time position as Reality-Unit Integrator. To guarantee successful romantic-love relationships, I would seek partners that also valued integrating Reality-Units. Starting a romantic-love relationship with both partners sharing a primary value is definitely a key to a strong and enduring relationship. Making the relationship sparkle, is when both partners are open to values that have not previously been integrated within their psyche. An example could be that one partner values music and the other values art. The partner that values music will teach the other the attributes of music, likewise, the partner that values art will teach the other the attributes of art. The relationship grows when values unknown previously now become known and experienced due to the teachings of our partner.

From a Female Perspective

Every woman is unique, but generally many females lack self-confidence. On planet earth today, this lack of self-confidence is basically unfounded and stems from days long-passed when women thought of themselves as a possession. Now that they know they are not owned by a man or a group, they harbor feelings of guilt when acting freely in romantic relationships. Any guilt that they may accept is usually unearned and has no basis for existing today. It's this easy acceptance of unearned guilt that have many of todays' earth women burdened with lack of self-confidence. Acceptance of unearned guilt and a weak self-esteem makes many women easy targets of abuse. There is absolutely NO ABUSE, either mental or physical, that should be tolerated from a romantic-love partner. If you find yourself continually in these kind of relationships, then I suggest you find your identity and cease seeking relationships until you realize that you are unique, independent and free. Women must respect themselves if a successful romantic relationship is ever to develop. Before proceeding with the romantic, another warning about unearned-guilt; unless you physically destroy the life or property of another individual, any guilt you accept is probably unearned. It is okay to want to be pampered. It is okay to ask for the things from your partner that make you feel good, happy, satisfied, etc.

Romantic women enjoy verbal communication with their romantic love partner. With free-flowing verbal dialogue, romantic relationships grow stronger. When the communication cannot be verbal, then, chat, letters and email will suffice. The personal communique is better, and phone calls can also enhance the relationship. Three major attributes that women expect from romantic men are:

Romantic women are very enterprising and become even more so when their romantic partner RECOGNIZES their accomplishments. This RECOGNITION can be anything from a polite comment of praise to even a new car. All romantic women love to be APPRECIATED. They will usually go out of their way to please their romantic partner and their romantic bond becomes even stronger when these actions are really and sincerely APPRECIATED. And when today's romantic woman can DEPEND upon her romantic partner to follow-through on all promises, she opens herself and gives of her self exclusively for the fullest and strongest relationship.

A Males Perspective

In order for romance to become real for the earth-bound man is really quite simple. Men find that these characteristics will lead them to a relationship more than any others. The major three traits that men require from women are:

When a man can TRUST his partner, his value and productivity can be enhanced, which will strengthen and grow the relationship. When his partner is consistent in her actions during the relationship, the male will relax and be the partner that she seeks. Men can become confused easily, therefore CONSISTENCY becomes such an important trait for women to acquire should they seek a lasting relationship. And finally, VULNERABILITY may appear as a negative attribute, but most of us have vulnerabilities and let's be real, physiologically, women and men differ. Usually the male is stronger in some aspects than his counterpart. Should a male learn and understand his partners' vulnerability, this will produce a loyality in the relationship that could greatly strenghten and enhance that relationship.


This site has a long way to go before we can say it is complete, therefore I continue to use your input for updates. One way to keep this site updated is to take the romance survey and follow-up to me with your responses. For those whom have answered the romance questionaire, following are the answers submitted from your peers. When I receive additional response I will keep these results updated on a monthly basis. Thank you all, you've been very helpful with assisting me in the maintenance of this web page. Updates below reflect answers received as of 15 September 2000.

Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4
A = 42% A = 4% A = 8% A = 24%
B = 14% B = 16% B = 0% B = 64%
C = 44% C = 14% C = 9% C = 12%
D = 3% D = 83%
E = 63%

Please Click-On the Questionaire or the Pics
