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Fuck Violence and Hatred

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Its a sad state of affairs, when Evolution, a scientifically proven 
fact, is dismissed in public school due to religious beliefs of 
Catholics and Christians. This is taking effect in some states here 
in the U.$.A. The word Evolution in all History and Science books, is 
being replaced with "change through time". Alabama and Louisiana are the
 first two states to dismiss Evolution as a fact, and now claim the before 
mentioned as only a theory. Scientists all over the U.$.A are outraged, and 
for good reason. Religion is becoming such a monopoly, it is harming our 
education system.

Concerning the ideas of religion and racism, forcable conversion of slaves
was presented by many slave holders. Slaves were forced to join the churces 
of their owners. Darwin had developed a theory, "Social Darwanism", wich was 
originally applied to the natural world. This theory was distorted, and applied to 
the newly-evolving world. These distorted views were then used to justify racism. 
You were born inferior, and you died inferior. 
It was assumed that blacks, poor, and indigenous people were on the lower end of
the social evolution stage. Rich Western European Capatalists were the most
advanced by this theory and treated those below them as animals, to be tread on, and
used at their will. Many religious cultures saw the black man as morally, and 
biologically inferior, they were supressed, and by some protistant churces, even 
exterminated because of skin color. Religion, from the time it appeared in the U.$.A.
has descriminated against people of different origin. So much has changed, but
Catholic and Christian beliefs still claim homosexuality is an abomination towards
god, and thus not acceptable. But from what I know, Christians are supposed to have 
a view of tolerance, loving-kindness, and forgiveness. Not that of facism, and
bigotry. It is an unacceptable way to act, and think, yet it is a monopoly that is 
changing the world, unfortunately, its a change towards the worse.

(Revision coming soon) What I stand for: Pro Speaking your mind Pro Animal-Rights Pro Gay-Rights Pro Unity Anti-Racist Anti-Sexist Anti-Fascist Anti-Religion Anti-Violence "If organized religion wasn't a scam, and followed by ignorant masses of gullable people, I'd be all for it." -Me "You can't battle hate with hate, ignorance with ignorance." -Nicholas Dale Holmberg

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