Anime World

WELCOME TO ANIME WORLD! This is my little imaginary world, attempting to come alive here, on the net. I'm working on this page, and you may feel free to e-mail ideas to me. I needed help from a friend of mine if I wanted to do anything about DBZ, because she's hooked and I haven't a clue what it's about. But it's up and running! Oh, before I forget, there are places where you'll need to use the "back" button on your browswer. Thanks, Bye! By the way, call me Lorielli. That's not my name, though.

P.S.-Check out the new RPG! The old one's sign up forms don't work.

Hello, this is Sammy here! Guess what Lorielli, I got the Dragon Ball Z site up! So, for all of you, go ahead and check it out!

Hey Alex this is your other helper Darien. Right now i'm trying to get your Card captor pages up and running. Just for the previews we'll have Images, The Clow Cards, Maybe Rumers, and more. Just glad to be apart of your team. This is Darien over and out.

On April 13th I changed my name. You shall now refer to me as Alex (Yes, my true name, my HUMAN name). I am in some of the fanfics (not yet, but I'm busy) as Reggie's sister, but NO, I'm not really related to anyone named that (Although I'm freinds w/him, and half the school thinks I'm his sis, and the other half thinks I like him, STOP THE INSANITY!)

August 4, 2001

Bet you all missed me! I have good news. You know how this site is... what's the word I'm looking for... BORING? Well, I'm taking a web design class and maybe I'll get some Ideas. That was your que to cheer.

Anyway, I AM working on this site, but it's stuff that doesn't make any sense unless it's a finished page. You wouldn't want a game that's only half done, now, would you?

This is Alex, Signing Out! ^^

August 22, 2001

Hi hi Alex! It's me Sam. Just droppin' in to tell you that while I work on my Gundam Wing page, I'm workin' on the Dragon Ball Z part here too. As of now, the Power level page is up and running. There will be so much more to follow. Okies, got my point down. Bai bai now!


August 25, 2001

Thank you, Sammy. Okay, I'm taking the first two RPGs away and putting in another. Okay? I KNOW this one will pick up faster.


August 29, 2001

School starts tommorrow!!! Just had to get that out.

Hey, Sammy? Your adoption page is down. Shall I try to fix it, or will you? I wanted to adopt something! Waah! ^^

Less time for expanding the page, with school starting tomorrow.

Who wants lyrics? I'm looking for some.

Made Up Charachters page coming soon, to accompany the RPG. When you send in your profile, I'll do my best to draw them, and will post your profile and pic. Okay? You can try to draw them yourself, too, if you want.

Lots of useless news today! Okay, who knows what's wrong with my hit counter? At some point a day ago, it said 2000 some people had visited my site. Hour later, it was only 27!

Anyone know Javascript? Something's wrong with this game I'm trying to alter. I can change like, 3 words before something goes wrong. Details after an E-mail from any of my loving fans! ^^ *Tomatoes get thrown at her* What do you want from me?!?!

Changing the Poll. I'll do that every weekend.

I just keep talking, and talking, and talking...

Almost done. Can anyone find me SM music?Or PKMN? Or Card Captors? Or anything? I'll give you credit for things.

Fan art would be nice. That includes Pics, stories, Music, lyrics to made-up songs, La-di-da.

I'm finally done talking.


September 1, 2001

YIPEE! My birthday's in 5 days! Okay. Got that out.

It's the weekend! 3-day weekend!

I'm starting a weekly contest and a monthly contest. I'm not sure what the prizes will be yet, (Got any suggestions?) but the contests are: Art every week, writing every month. There are 5 catagories: DBZ, SM, PKMN, CC, and Crossover. I will post the pics for a week after the contest, And you have to vote. My assistants have to vote, too. *Smiles at Sammy and Darien*

And a riddle every week. It's down below, See if you can figure it out.

Does anyone know all of the words to "Modern Major General," from Pirates of Penzance? Please e-mail me, or tell me where to find them.




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What is this world coming to? I don't get this. Why? WHY is this happening?

Yet, I feel happy. My life seems so much better in comparison. I'm not saying I don't care about this entire event, it just seems like... I think you get the point.

Be nationalist. Now's a good time.


Okay. I know I haven't been updating much. I've been doing some work, but it's all been 'behind the scenes.' I'll change this page today... hooray.

Thank you, AnDiva, for liking my page. ^^ I was just a little busy at the time you said so. Sorry.

MESSAGE TO HELPERS: Darien, what's up with the Card Captors page? I don't see one. I don't mean to be bossy, but I hope to see one, no matter how tiny, someday. Sammy, this has nothing to do with the page, but I need SOMEONE to post to the RPG.


Is there even anyone (aside from helpers) that ever comes to this site, or am I sitting here talking to myself?

Uh, I never check my E-Mail!! Aah! Sorry, all! I try, though!


Ooh! Today is 02/02/02! Fun to write!


My, I am slow. Sorry. I AM working, really I am!! I'm running out of ideas for the things I'm working ON. That would be one Flash game, one CYOA game, and one mystery sort of thingy. Any Ideas?

last week: There is one obvious difference between the two hearts. What is it? <3 <3 Answer: They're in two different places.

This week: Can anyone think of a riddle for next week?

These guys are the cause for my cool mouse. All right, so my mouse could be better, check out the DBZ mouse!

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My Pages

Dragon Ball Z
Games! but not many...yet.
Another friend and assistant's page.
