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This is just another usless page about nothing.

Hey everyone! Im Andrea. Im 16 female, i live in a shity small town in Nevada. The town is called Pahrump, its about 47 miles away from Las Vegas, so that's preddy kool. But i like to skate board, party, hang out with friends, stuff like that. And that is me right up there, kinda shity pic, but thats ok, ill get a better one as soon as i can. here is my other page... alot better than this one, but im just starting on this page. My other page

Some really kool linx : )

High times
NIRVANA !!!!!!!
NIN !!
for more band linx go here ...
A really kool Punk link
To see a picture of me go here...
Stupid linx
ANARCHY !!!!!!
go here for really kool skate boarding linx
AWESOME ramp pictures
