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Decorating kids bedrooms just got a lot more fun with Wall Wizard! Imagine a room your child loves to play and sleep in…his or her own private space that reflects his or her own tastes and preferences. Wall Wizard makes you an expert in decorating kids bedrooms with a great selection of wall stencils and nursery murals. It's wall decoration that's easy to use and inexpensive! You can create a room that's totally unique for your child without spending a lot of time or money!

We found that most parents had a "wish list" when it came to decorating kids bedrooms. The three most common "wishes" we heard were:

  • I want to make my child's room as unique and individualized as she is
  • I wish there were some new alternatives when it comes to decorating kids bedrooms
  • I would love to have a mural painted on my child's wall, but I don't want to spend the money to hire an artist

For all these wishes and more, Wall Wizard is the answer. Wall Wizard offers you the ultimate flexibility in customizing and decorating kids bedrooms - or playrooms for that matter. Our do-it-yourself nursery murals, wall stencils, and wall decoration kits include everything you need to get started. Simply follow a few easy steps and in just a few hours your child's room will look like it was decorated by a professional! You'll be amazed by what you can do!

Each Wall Wizard wall decoration mural kit includes complete instructions, paint, brushes and your chosen pattern. All nursery murals and wall stencils measure approximately 2' x 3' in size. We have a great selection of 35 designs to choose from, which can be seen in color on our website. Buy your kit today and get on your way to decorating kids bedrooms like you never knew you could!

Choose from our exclusive designs, including elephants, football player, mice, football, frog, baseball, bunny, sports, rocking horse, clowns, sun, moon, dancer, castle, alligator, dragon, whale, knight, fish, princess, octopus, dinosaurs, cat, dog, lion, farm, crayons, race car, train, rocket and plane.

Ordering our wall stencils and nursery murals is easy. Just print the form on our website and fill in all the necessary information, then mail or fax it to us. Each kit is just $49.95 plus shipping. You can save $5 off your total bill when you order 2 or more kits!

Decorating kids bedrooms is easier than ever! With nursery murals, wall stencils and wall decoration kits from Wall Wizard you're on your way to being a kids decorating expert! Visit our website today and see all the adorable possibilities!