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Information on our Unit

Our unit currently has 72 cadets, two color guards, one armed and one unarmed drill team.  We
also have a rifle team and an orienteering team.
Enrollment:    To be eligible for enrollment and continuance as a cadet in the NJROTC Unit, West Feliciana High School, a student must:
    a. Be enrolled in and attending a regular course of instruction at West Feliciana High School, in a grade 9 through 12.
    b. Be a U.S. citizen or national, or alien lawfully admitted to the U.S. for permanent residence.
    c. Be physically qualified to participate fully in the physical education of the school.
    d. Be selected by the NJROTC instructor with the approval of the school principal.
    e. Maintain acceptable standards of academic achievement and an academic standing that warrents at least normal progression leading to graduation from high school.
    f. Comply with the personal grooming standards as set forth in the "NJROTC Cadet Field Manual".  Standards will not be relaxed so as to reflect discredit on the naval service.
Disenrollment    A cadet  may be desenrolled by the NJROTC instructor, with the approval of the principal, for any of the following reasons.
    a. Failure to maintain the standards required for enrollment.
b. Lack of aptitude, indifference to training, disciplinary reasons, or undesirable traits of character.
    c. Failure to meet the terms of probation or to correct the deficiency for which placed in a probationary status.
    d. Disenrollment from the school.

    e. Request of the individual student.

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