Feathers in Flames

Writing Raving Whining Playing

UPDATED-What's new? RAVES that's who.

Hit the Ground Swingin': All Daddies, All the Time (UNDER MASSIVE RECONSTRUCTION thank you come again)

Quirky Kinks or Kinky Quirks

Question Authority and THEY will Question You


Just-The-Two-Of-Us. In my head.

Felix likes Beef. Praise the Beef Boy!

Makin' Radio Waves: Broken Records

Can't Sleep?Me neither.

Stranger Than Nonfiction

This is NOT a gate!!!!!!
Real Sapphire
When Computers Attack
Faster and Slower
The Unexpected Sun
UPDATED!Bach to Skjool-AGAIN
fish and girlfriends
What You Want..



Hi. Welcome. And those are the most boring things you will ever here me say. (well, contest me if you will later, let's have pleasant introductions PLEASE, the snickering children are wondering) Far as constructing an identity through a website- it's futile. The Erector Set of Life fails me. However, for you, I am The resident Weirdo, Psycho- though when *I* dress up as my mother I look better, Philosopher, Guidance counselor, Barkeep, Whiny Goddamn Teenager, and Pragmatist. So you really wanna know about me huh? Unlikely feat, but you can try. Muwahahahaaa I've already ensnared you into my sick universe where boy bands get the finger and good actors get the roles, so I guess YOU'LL JUST HAVE TO STAY won't you? Warnin'honey chil', don't be put off by my other personality Ariel. Yeah, like the fucking mermaid. Perhaps not enough fucking, which is why you could deem this the Bitter Palace of the Cybertwins. Me and Ariel.

We (I) are (is) just a roiling mass of obessions, quirks, and the occasional lucid phrase. This place with its cyber-scrawls on the cyber-walls is all-you-can-eat-ME. (That sounded bad.) GRABBING the CURB! F.A.Q. What would be a key cog to her obsessed little gears? Cherry Poppin' Daddies. Why, they ask. Ha, I laugh! Only coz- they are the talentedest band that you can hear nowdays, or anydays to boot. So versatile they are the bubble wrap of the music industry.

My gray matter you are currently treading on has these "special" (My mommy says I'm unique) fantasies and it is your punishment/pleasure (depending on your sado-masochistic prefs) to watch. So watch!

Ariel calls it enlightened.

I'm still waiting for all the data to come in. Hanging chads galore. (Oh, by the way, if you voted for Bush, GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF MY WEBSITE! MOVE! GO AWAY!) Thanks. More on Me Me Me. (Narcissus squared, baby, ain't it cool?) Me, I am bitchin' contradiction, so don't be surprised if you read something from me that directly opposes what I just said. I'm usually pretty consistant and level though. (gotcha!)

Beef Boy forever!

Proud membaaah of the Amateur Writer's Guild.

Gasp, moi a writer? Amateur? Absofruckinlutly! I'm immature writer too..but there's no guild for that yet.

Since I'm a self-indulgent webmistress (it's like nepotism with someone I REALLY love) some more expected revelations about me. Okay!
I'm an entertainment love junkie. Damn, but I don't shoot up and bed A-listers. I must be doing something wrong....Makeup? Sorry- we were on the subject of movies, right? Like, I (more than they will ever know) appreciate the shining examples of men-age (strangely evokes menage a trois huh? I'm not that weird, yet.) that are in, on, and above the big screen: Edward Norton or John Cusack Vince Vaughn or Kevin Spacey
or Jon Stewart, and the Devil strike me down, last but not least Gabriel Byrne . (mmm)

I adore talent. But go read now, y'all. Updates in Raves page, New Insomnia page, and a New poem leashed in The Pen.

Senioritis: Feel Our Pain

Junior Year's Hell


Wow, look how little people have come...

Male- I mean- MAIL me here

One final thought. This crap is mine, so dont touch it or you'll be getting some our personalized ranting in your mailbox. Thankee! (c)2000 Sher.

Get yer Steve pet here! Here's my Steve pet. His name is Happy Pimp Steve.

Click my pet to get your pet!