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Himi's Patron Angels:

The Angels of Fire: Nathaniel, Arel, Atuniel, Jehoel, Ardarel, Gabriel, Seraph and Uriel.

Arel: An angel of fire. His name is inscribed on the seventh pentacle of the sun. He can also be invoked in ritual magic. Sol invokes him for more fighting power.

Azer: Angel of the element fire. Gave her the power to attack her enemies with the engery from fire.

Capabile: One of three angel messengers of the sun. Delivers messages to her from her father, mother and brother.

Dalquiel: One of three princes of the third Heaven in the Upper World. The other two are Jabniel and Rabacyal. All rule over fire under the ethnarchy of Anahel. Fellow rulers. They taught Sol the ways to use fire in magical workings.

Djin: Helper of the Archangel Gabriel. He is an Elemental King, sphere of fire. (Himi's father) He looks somewhat elderly, yet has great muscles. He has flames for hair and is a King of Fire.

El Auria: Angel of flame. One of Himi's friends. The met through her brother, Jehuel.

Gabriel: He is the angel of mercy, annunciation, resurrection, vengeance, death and revelation. He presides over paradise and is the ruling angel of the first heaven in the Upper World.

Jehuel: The prince of fire. Himi's brother. (In her past life)

Nathanael: Lord over the element of fire. Himi's cousin.

Seraph: Seraph is one of the angels with dominion over the element of fire. Her father's aide.

Uriel: A patron angel of literature and music, Uriel bestows upon us the gift of creative fire, as well as the power of prophecy. Helps Himi predict her enemy's moves.

Vesta: Guardian of the sacred fire. Made the pendant that lets Sol transform.

Aure's Patron Angels:

Angel of the Air: Chasan, Casmaron, Cherub & Iahmel

Angels of the Wind: Moriel, Ruhiel, Ben Nez and Rujiel

Blaef: A Friday angel of the air. Aure's brother

Chasan: Angel of the air his name is inscribed on the seventh pentacle of the sun. Aure's friend.

Corat: A Friday angel of the air, invoked from the East, residing in the third heaven. A fellow ruler.

Famiel: A Friday angel of the air. Famiel serves in the third heaven and is evoked from the south. Also a fellow ruler.

Glaura: A beneficial spirit of the air, invoked from the North. Made the pendant that Nikkei gave to Aure.

Iahmel: An angel with dominion over the air. Gave her the power to attack her enemies with the engery from the air and winds.

Rachel: Angel known as the Air's Lady. She is one of the great angels of Humor and self-confidence. She is responsible of Temperance, which permits us not to be crushed by the negative events occurring in our lives. Rachel prevents men and women to consider events with too much gravity. Aure's mother.

Ruchiel: An angel appointed over the wind. A friend.

Sahaqiel: Angel of the sky. Fellow ruler.

Samax: Chief of the angels of the air and ruling angel of the day Tuesday. Fellow Ruler.

Ouestucati: A female angel who brings the sea wind. Aure's half-sister.

Varcan: He is referred to as the king of the angels of the air, ruling on the Lord's day. Aure's father.

Zavael An angel who controls and has dominion over whirlwinds. Aure's friend.

Keb's Patron Angels:

Achaiah: He is a Seraphim, the angel of patience and discoverer of the secrets of nature. Gave him the power to attack his enemies with the engery from the earth, and the pendant Keb wears.

Boel: One of the seven exalted throne angels. He is a resident in the first heaven. Boel holds the four keys to the Four Corners of the earth. Keb's father.

Furlac: An angel of the earth. Keb's mother.

Lecabel: An angel in control of vegetation and agriculture. Keb's friend.

Risnuch: Angel of agriculture. Keb's friend.

Rampel: An angel who holds dominion over mountains. We pray to Rampel for inner strength, stability and endurance. Keb's cousin. Invokes him for power.

Sui'el: An angel with dominion over earthquakes. Keb's sister.

Sealiah: An angel who governs or controls the earth's vegetation. Another ruler

Yabbashael: One of the seven angels with dominion over the earth. Fellow ruler.

Kana's Patron Angels:

Angels of the Rain: Matriel, Matarel, Matariel, Ridya and Zalbesal.

Af Bri: An angel who exercises control over rain. Nahaliel and Trsiel's father. Was married to Harudha but they split up and remarried.

Harudha: A female angel who rules the element of water. Kana's Mother.

Mael: A ruling Archangel of the water. Gave him the power to attack his enemies with the engery from water.

Manakel: Angel of aquatic animals. Kana's friend.

Matarel: In rabbinical and pseudepigraphic lore, the angel of rain. He is one of the rulers of second heaven in the upper world. Kana's father.

Nahaliel: Angel over rivers. Kana's half-sister.

Trsiel: An angel who has dominion over rivers. Kana's second half-sister.

Yura: The spirit of light and rain. Kana's sister.

Zakkiel: The angel governing storms. Made Kana's pendant.

Zalbesael: An angel who has dominion over the rainy season. Kana's brother.

Gin's Patron Angels:

Rosabis: A genius of metals. Gin's mother.

Lelahel: An angel of the zodiac exercising dominion over science. Gave her the power to attack her enemies with the engery from the scientific element metal.

Hariel: He rules science. Made the pendant Gin uses to transform.

Eiael: An angel with dominion over occult sciences. Gin's father.

Other Angels that aid the Soul Element Warriors:

Assiel: Angel of healing. He heals the Soul Warriors after hard battles.

Ioelet: An angel invoked to exorcise demons. The Soul Element Warriors invoke him to banish the demons they fight.

Karoz: Reporter angel. He reports everything to Nikkei that happens to the Soul Element Warriors.

Teiaiel: An angel that can foretell the future. He sometimes speaks to Himi and the others to tell her what is going to happen.

Zacharel: Angel grants strength & physical powers. He helps the Soul Element Warriors to become more powerful as needed.
