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Ps3 Designer Clothing Inc.

PS3 Catolog- Merchandise
Movie of the Month

We welcome you to our site. We are preparing ourselves to go into business in the world of sales. You might be wondering just exactly who we are. I can answer that very simply. We are the Ps3 pimps: Matt, Mike, and Todd.
We can be seen at the pimp links above.

Ps3 stands for the "Pimp Squad Three" which was originally started in 1997. This club consists of three members that share the responsibilities of the corporation. Their clothes are top quality merchandise that will amaze you. The merchandise is signatured with the Ps3 symbol which you can see at the top of this page. Then we add other additions to the clothes to make it even more appealing to you. To view our clothes just click on the link above to connect you to our merchandise catalog.

Please respond to our site. We would like to know your opinion.

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