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Ghost Towns Of Nevada

Virginia City

4th ward school House

< center> This building is the 4th Ward School which was built in 1857 in virginia City. It was one of the few buildings that was able to survive all the fires that raged through the town at different times during the history of the town.

The Castle

This a picture of one of the most famous Mansions in Virginia City, Called "The Castle". For those who are curious about what life was like in the 1850's this house has regular scheduled tours of the house on a daily basics.

Piper's Opera House

This is a picture of Piper's Opera House where the entertainment for those rich enought to afford it would go each night for away of relieving the cold and hard winters of the Comstock. The entertainers were the best known of the day that would travel all the way to this town as the money was quite good. Presently the building is being renovated, thats the reason I used an old polariod picture, at the present it's torn up and not good for pictures.

Bowers Mansion
