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Magick and Musick

Hello and welcome to Magick and Musick!!Updates, updates, and more updates!! Check out Reba McEntire's page for NEW tour info. Check out Linda Davis' page for NEW tour info. NEW PAGES!!! A page dedicated to my buddy Kristine W. AND a NEW "Magickal Spell" page. ALL HERE AT MAGICK AND MUSICK!!! Go to the message board, where you can post opinions about things you might find here on my site. Join the Assembly Make yourself at home, and enjoy your visit. Again, WELCOME!! Happy surfing!! DeLinda This is a wonderful mailing list made up by my sister to express your views on everything from Faeries to Witches, check it out! Just click the button below to sign up! It's as easy as that.

Click to subscribe to The_Blue_Light
For those of you that are involved in a banner exchange, here is my banner. Please take it only if you have one to exchange with me. Email me to trade.
This wonderful banner was made especially for this website by Angel, you can visit her page by clicking on the Angel graphic below. You can see another banner that Angel made for me at "The Poetry Corner" on this website. That link is below also.
Alot of people have asked me what WICCA and Witches are all about. It's really a hard thing to explain. For me it is anyway, I'm still learning myself..LOL. Here is something I've found in the Encarta Encyclopedia that might answer SOME of your questions:
~~WICCA perceives itself as a modern religion based on the broad themes of ancient pre-Christian paganism, although it is not drawn directly from paganism-for example, wicca eschews some features of the old paganism, such as animal sacrifice. Increasngly, WICCA draws from many pagan traditions, with the result that the distinctions between witchcraft, occultism, neopaganism, and various strands thereof have become blurred. Modern witchcraft is entirely different from Satanism or the diabolical witchcraft imagined by the persecutors of past centuries. Major WICCAN themes include love of nature, equality of male and female, appreciation of the ceremonial, a sense of wonder and belief in magic, and appreciation of the symbolism and psychological realities behind the gods and goddesses of antiquity.~~ If this strikes you curious, check out my sister's page: "Witch's Night Out", the page is FULL of WONDERFUL links for the curious. To get there, just click on the banner below. What I believe is that WICCA is a religion of Nature more than anything else. We are in tune with the earth as much as we are in tune with ourselves. We try to be ecology minded..which is VERY hard in this day and age. We are an accepting group, having an abundance of members, we are NOT discriminating. We do not feel that our religion is best for everyone, nor do we try to change or convert. A witch is not only learned, she/he is born. It took me quite awhile to find this part of myself, but I can assure you, I am quite comfortable with it, finally feeling that I's nice. You can see more Pagan/Wiccan graphics by clicking on Jaz's banner on my link list below. Thanks Jaz! Your graphics really livened up my page!! **************************************************************************************************************
This is another award I have received: The artist is my sister, and another page link is below at "Flowers in the Rain", check her page out for more great faerie links.
This magickal site is dedicated to my fellow witch sisters, DeAnne and Diane...I love you both.
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To Beth Broderick's Page
To Reba McEntire's Page
To Linda Davis' Page
To My Magick Spell Page
To Gates McFadden's Page
To The Poetry Corner (Find out how to be on this page!!)
To My Kristine W. Page
