Joey Molland: The Pilgrim

Name: Kevin From: Chicago / USA URL: Haven't got one. Comments: I think The Pilgrim is a good album but I wish Joey could capture his hard-edged live sound on disc. Anyone who saw him do You Make Me Sick or Long Long Way Back Home live knows what I'm talking about. How about a Joey LP produced by someone like Dave Edmunds!!! 21:33:44, November 05 Name: Brennan Engle From: USA URL: Haven't got one. Comments: I love this album and like it more each time I listen to it! The best song is definitely Long Long Way Back Home but all the songs are strong Molland tunes and some great hooks and melodies...For a solo album I would give this an's much stronger that After the Pearl....The Pilgrim is just a well rounded good cd..It must be a compliment that even Eric Clapton had to steel the title for his latest disc! 13:28:51, November 05 Name: Joe Pellegrino From: Rochester, N.Y. / USA URL: Haven't got one. Comments: I think this is a great album. It gets my vote over the Badfinger Rykodisc production. 'All The Way' proves a more modern sound for Joey and has an excellent guitar solo! 'No One Likes The Rain' is as good as anything from Joey's past and should've got more attention. When I've played this for friends I have always gotten an excellent approval. The only problem I hear is not enough low end. Perhaps the bass could have been brought out a little more. 10:22:42, November 05 Name: Morten Vindberg From: Denmark URL: Haven't got one. Comments: I have only just recently got hold of a copy of The Pilgrim - and it was really a pleasant surprise. Several strong compositions - especially among the ballads and the melodic tracks. No One Likes The Rain is my favourite - it is a very strong tune with great commercial potential. I'm sure, if someone persuaded David Bowie or U2 to record the song, it would be a world-wide hit. All Caught Up is very good too - I like it better every time I hear it. The Magic of Love is a great catchy ballad. This'n That is my favourite among the up-tempo tracks - the song would fit nicely into a Travelling Wilbury album. The rockers are mostly too traditional to be interesting - some of them sound a bit uninspired. You Make Me Sick is okay, though. The production is clean and professional. A Must in a Badfinger-collection. 16:12:26, November 04 Name: TERRY GAINEY From: DUNDAS (SYDNEY) / AUSTRALIA URL: Haven't got one. Comments: Not bad. Well produced, but not long enough. I wanted more. 05:02:17, November 04 Name: Randy Justesen From: USA URL: Haven't got one. Comments: Joey is at his best when his passion shows through in his music. The Pilgrim is fantastic and shows the depth and talent he is just scratching the surface with. I am not sure the Pilgrim caught the passiona ll the time, although through most of it it did. Lucky I have had a chance to hear songs completed for his upcoming CD, which I think are by far among his best writing and performance yet. The Pilgrim gets a good B+. 14:46:20, November 03 Name: Rick Kellogg From: Piqua, OH / USA URL: Haven't got one. Comments: A very good CD from Joey...not quite as good as After The Pearl (hope that goes to CD someday!). The only song that really doesn't work for me is the last song 'All The Way'. But I must also say that Joey, like lots of solo artists, does not always play & write up to par. When in a group, each person is challenged & pushed a little harder to do better. Also in a group the album/CD had to be shared with songs from other members in the band. That's why I like's the mix! A little Pete/Tommy/Joey & Mike...It was great! Pilgrim should have had a better push from Rykodisc! It was a good performance from Joey. More to come soon I hope! 20:35:39, November 02 Name: Paul From: U.S.A. URL: Haven't got one. Comments: This album is still a big favorite of mine. While I like the opening cut(You Make Me Sick!) I think Joey still has some gems that would have been more radio friendly for him to push as a single. Having said that, I also beleive that it was a very poorly promoted album by Rykodisc. I wonder if they just released this for Joey due to a contractual obligation from the Live Day After Day album that he issued in 1990? 19:45:49, November 02 Name: mike barnett From: usa URL: Haven't got one. Comments: the only complaint i have with the pilgrim is that i wish chris thomas had produced it. i think it could have used more clarity. in my dreams is a fabulous song. 17:59:04, November 02 Name: Barb Alan Atkinson From: Tulsa, OK / USA URL: Haven't got one. Comments: I was really disappointed with this album when it first came out. I feel it's a bit of letdown following After the Pearl. As time went on, though, I find myself liking it more. My favorite songs are : Hard Times, Magic of Love, No One Likes The Rain, and The Party's Over. I think the tempo on All Caught Up was far too slow. It sounded better when he did it live. I was really disapointes Angels Like Us wasn't on this record. Overall, it's a great record, but not as good as After the Pearl. 13:31:47, November 02 Name: Jesper From: DK URL: Haven't got one. Comments: A well produced album! The absolute highlight is “No One Likes The Rain”, that is a classic! It reminds me a bit of “Be My Baby”. Another beautiful song is “In My Dreams” Some of the other ballads on the album can get a little boring! It obvious that Joey has a problem with his rock/blues songs! They are too ordinary, and he fails to put some good melody into them! “You Make Me Sick” is one of the songs that has some good melody in the chorus, and that makes it the best rocker on the album! Joey should try to put some more melody into his rock songs in the future!Another thing I’m not impressed with,is the lead guitar parts done by Joey! The songs that I like the most:You Make Me Sick,No One Likes The Rain,Long Long Way Back Home,In My Dreams,This ’n’ That! The Pilgrim is a must for every Badfinger fan, and it proves that Joey wasn’t writing his best tunes when he was in Badfinger! 05:33:25, November 02

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